Zhan Zhihong, deputy chairman and spokesman of the mainland committee of Taiwan, said at a regular press conference that the CCP has repeatedly declared that Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China.The mainland seems to be concentrated. "

Zhuang Huiliang Taipei Report

[email protected]

Song Tao Song Tao, director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Thursday (April 6) when he was traveling to former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou and others in Shanghai.Positive significance, hopes that compatriots on both sides of the strait will communicate with and often communicate, and the mainland will create conditions and provide convenience for this.

However, Zhan Zhihong, deputy chairman and spokesman of the mainland committee of Taiwan, accused the CCP of using Ma Ying -jeou to access the entire itinerary at a regular press conference on the same day, "deliberately affecting the current cross -strait relations and disturbing Taiwan's social atmosphere."

According to Xinhua News Agency, Song Tao emphasized that compatriots on both sides of the strait are Chinese. We must adhere to a Chinese principle and "1992 consensus"., Never tolerate the division of "Taiwan independence", and hook the external forces to engage in "Taiwan independence".

Ma Ying -jeou said that when he went to the mainland to worship his ancestors and communicate, he deeply realized that the cross -strait should cherish the common political foundation of the "1992 Consensus".The two sides of the strait are descendants of Yan and Huang. They belong to the Chinese nation. They should promote peace, fight and cooperate, and revitalize China.

Zhan Zhihong said that the Communist Party of China has repeatedly declared that Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China, and "President of the Ma Force seems to be concentrated in mainland China."

He pointed out that Ma Ying -jeou said that the Cross -Strait Constitution adhered to a Chinese principle and tried to connect the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland.

Ma Ying -jeou returned to the mainland to worship the ancestors on March 27, and led nearly 30 young students from the Jiujiu School to worship the Nanjing Zhongshan Mausoleum.It was highly courteous on the mainland and communicated with Wuhan, Hunan, and Fudan University. It will return to Taipei on Friday (April 7).

Ma Ying -jeou arrived on Wednesday (April 5th) and arrived in Shanghai to meet with Chen Jining, secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and mentioned that during his tenure, the two sides of the strait established the "1992 Consensus" because of the "one China principle" in 1992.Believe in each other, set aside disputes, create a win -win situation, realize the direct flights of the three links, and benefit people on both sides of the strait.

"I signed 23 agreements on both sides of the strait, especially the ECFA (Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement), which still operates effective.Mutual dependence in life cannot be cut.

Ma Ying -jeou said in a speech at Fudan University on Thursday that cross -strait interruptions have been interrupted for several years due to political disturbances and epidemic factors.People resume exchanges again, with one more contact, one more friendly on both sides of the strait, and the lower the probability of conflict between the two sides of the strait.

Mainland TV stations produced Ma Ying -jeou's ancestors to worship the tomb, and the number of viewers exceeded 100 million.Ma Ying -jeou thinks that this is a very good phenomenon that allows both sides of the strait to feel the same feelings of home country. With young students visited and important places in Chinese history, and find a common memory on both sides of the strait, we can build a better future.Struggle peacefully and revitalize China.

CCTV called Ma Ying -jeou "former Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang"

The Mainland CCTV CCTV News was broadcast on Thursday night. In the name of "The former Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang", Ma Ying -jeou was introduced in 2 minutes and 06 seconds in 2 minutes and 06 seconds.

It is reported that Ma Ying -jeou and others understand the pulse of the mainland's economy, social and cultural development in these 11 days, and have a lot of affirmation of the rapid development of the mainland scientific and technological innovation. "Some even have no dreams."Accompanying students also said that the trip would help each other to understand each other. I believe that in the near future, they must work together.