The Taiwan Government confirmed that when Cai Yingwen had previously transited New York, he met with the US House of Representatives Democratic African -American leader Jeffris and had breakfast with three cross -party senators.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times Freedom Times reported that Zhang Yehan, deputy secretary -general of the Presidential Palace of Taiwan, flew to Los Angeles at 7:45 pm on Tuesday (April 4th) of the Presidential President.It was confirmed that during the transit of Tsai Ing -wen, she met with American friends.

Zhang Yanhan said that based on the trust and tacit understanding of both Taiwan and the United States, it was revealed to Tsai Ing -wen to meet with American friends after a few days.Tsai Ing -wen met with the US House Democratic Party leader Hakeem Jeffries on Thursday (March 30) local time.Before leaving New York last Friday (March 31), Tsai Ing -wen and three American cross -party senators Dan Sullivan, Joni Ernst, and Mark Kelly performed breakfast.

Zhang Yanhan recounted that Tsai Ing -wen conveyed four important messages in the relevant meeting.First of all, this is the first visit and transit the United States after her global epidemic relief, thanks to the relevant assistance and arrangements provided by the United States during the transit.Secondly, in addition to thanking US President Biden for continuously expressing support for Taiwan with specific actions, he also thanked the two houses across the United States, and the inter -party parties have spared no effort in support, allowing Taiwan and the United States to overcome many challenges.

Zhang Yanhan said that Tsai Ing -wen especially thanked the United States for their emphasis on the security of the Taiwan Strait, and promoted the peaceful and stability of the Taiwan Strait and India, and hoped that Taiwan and the United States would continue to cooperate in joint security issues.Taiwan will also continue to play responsible partnership roles, which are similar to the country to maintain peace and stability with the country.

Zhang Yanhan continued, Tsai Ing -wen finally emphasized that Taiwan will continue to be a key and reliable economic and trade partner, which is similar to the country to create a more tough global democratic supply chain and for the economic recovery after the global epidemic.Contribute positive power.Tsai Ing -wen also thanked Sarawon again on the occasion of the severe challenge of the epidemic in June 2021, and visited Taiwan with Senator Dakworth to announce that the United States would donate the Taiwan vaccine information and let Taiwanese feel anti -epidemic worldwide.On the road, Taiwan is not fighting alone.