Former President Ma Ying-je J-Thursday, a former Taiwan President Ma Yingjiu in mainland China (Thursday (April 6) Visit Shanghai Fudan University and delivered a speech.He said that promoting the communication between young people on both sides of the strait is the most urgent task of this generation, and calls on young people on both sides of the strait to work peacefully and revitalize China.

According to the speech published by Ma Ying -jeou's office, Ma Ying -jeou said that looking back at the past 10 days of visits and exchanges at Wuhan University and Hunan University, he found that students on both sides of the strait could not wait to exchange WeChat.Young friends on both sides of the strait naturally communicate and integrate naturally.This also means that young people on both sides of the strait only lack the opportunity to contact and understand more. This on both sides of the strait should work harder.

He said that young people on both sides of the strait are concerned about their personal issues, whether it is academic systems, examinations, and even employment and competition issues after leaving the school. At the same timeThe development and appearance are interested."This makes me feel deeply. We really should do more for them. In addition to promoting young people on both sides of the strait more close exchanges, we must also help them solve various problems that are actually concerned."

Ma Ying -jeou said that over the years, because of political disturbances and epidemic factors, various exchanges have been interrupted for several years.He said that he hoped that he started to take the first step from this trip, so that the young people on both sides of the strait will restore exchanges, understand each other, and have more contacts. The deeper the friendship between the two sides of the strait, the deeper the friendship.Low.

Ma Ying -jeou also mentioned that seeing that the mainland television station made his personal ancestor sacrifice and grave sweeping videos more than 100 million times, thinking that this is a very positive phenomenon, so that both sides of the strait feel that Taiwanese people are actually actually Taiwanese.There is the same feelings of home country.He also invited the teachers of Fudan University and his classmates to return to Taiwan. The Ma Ying -jeou Foundation will be arranged. He will accompany you all to go all over Taiwan to experience Taiwan's local customs.

During the speech, Ma Ying -jeou also talked that he would think of the poems left by the Chinese ancestors in various places.The sunset of the alley is oblique. In the old days, Wang Xietang flew into the home of ordinary people. "When he arrived in Wuhan, he thought of Li Bai's" the old man resigned from Huanghelou, and the fireworks went to Yangzhou in March."Then he went to his hometown Xiangtan, and no one wrote poems, but his grandfather wrote a couplet:" Gold and non -treasure books are treasures, everything is empty. "

Back to Shanghai, Ma Ying -jeou said that because Shanghai was very close to Suzhou, he thought of Tang Zhangji's Fengqiao Ye Bo, "The moon is full of frost, Jiang Feng's fishing fire is sleeping, and Gusu CityHanshan Temple, go to the passenger boat in the middle of the night. "