The mainland committee of Taiwan has criticized mainland China to control former President Ma Ying -jeou's itinerary and accuses Lu Fang spending money to mobilize the diaspora to interfere with Cai Yingwen's visit.

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, the remarks made by former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou's visit to the land trip caused controversy.Visit strokes deliberately affecting the current cross -strait relations and disrupting the social atmosphere of Taiwan.

Zhan Zhihong criticized that when the mainland declared that "Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China", former President Ma Ying -jeou has claimed that the Constitution of the Republic of China and the Constitution of the People's RepublicTrying to connect the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland, but ignores that the mainland has always used the "one Chinese principle" as the basis for swallowing Taiwan and eliminating the basis of the "Republic of China".

Zhan Zhihong pointed out that when the former President Ma Ying -jeou served as the deputy chairman and spokesman of the MAC on October 31, 1992, he said: "On the issue of the" one China 'principle, if the mainland wants to use a vagueness of a vagueWe will not accept the concept of eating us. We cannot accept the 'one in China' without betting.The MAC once again reminded the former President Ma Ying -jeou's importance.

Zhan Zhihong also approved. Former President Ma Ying -jeou talked with the land, and in response to the meaning of the so -called "1992 consensus", it did not mention the "one table and each table" of the Kuomintang.It is surprising and regrettable to praise the definition of the mainland.

Zhan Zhihong said that for many years, the definition of Beijing has continued to develop and evolved."One country, two systems, Taiwan's plan" is consistent.Today, the mainland criticized the "President Tsai and Mercedes -McCarthy talks", and once again declared that "there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inseparable part of the Chinese territory.There is no room for "Republic of China" in the definition of the principles of the first China.

For Taiwan Cai Yingwen and the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy in Los Angeles, Zhan Zhihong emphasized that "Republic of China" is a "sovereign country".The country and people from all walks of life have exchanged and interacting, and the inter -Taiwan space has been pioneered, and the people of Taiwan and the international community are generally respected.

Zhan Zhihong criticized that Beijing recently repeatedly criticized Cai Yingwen's visits and transit schedule. He also spent money to mobilize his diaspora, Chen Kang, interference, and announced joint cruise inspections in the Taiwan Strait.The situation, "Taiwan side expressed strong protests and dissatisfaction with this."

He emphasized that the government will not change Taiwan's determination to move towards the international and the dignity of sovereignty and the dignity of sovereignty, and to firmly maintain the response in the Taiwan Strait and the dignity of sovereignty.Do not compromise and shrink to protect the rights and interests of the Taiwan party.

Aiming at the Fujian Maritime Affairs Bureau on Mainland China on Wednesday (5th) announced the launch of special operations in the northern part of the Taiwan Strait in the Taiwan Strait. Maritime law enforcement officers will conduct on -site inspections on cross -strait direct navigation cargo ships and small three -way passenger cargo ships.According to the response, after understanding the competent authority of the sea patrol, Taiwan ships have not been harassed by the ship.