The mainland committee of Taiwan and the Ministry of Communications on Wednesday (April 5th) issued a post late at night, which will be strongly dissatisfied with the on -site inspection of direct flights on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and small three -way passenger and cargo ships, and put forward solemn protests.

Aiming at the Fujian Maritime Affairs Bureau in mainland China on Wednesday announced the launch of special operations in the northern part of the Taiwan Strait in the Taiwan Strait. Maritime law enforcement officers will conduct on -site inspections on the cross -strait direct cargo ships and small three -way passenger cargo ships. The Taiwan MAC willThe press release that night said that the landfield was deliberately raised the tension on both sides of the strait, affecting the peace and stability of the region, and obviously violated the cross -strait sea transportation agreement and the common practice of maritime affairs.Express strong dissatisfaction and positive protest.

The Taiwan MAC emphasized that the gradual recovery of the health and orderly exchanges of cross -strait health after the epidemic is the policy direction of the Taiwanese side's continuous promotion, but if the land party insists on taking one -sided unreasonable actions, it will obstruct the normal exchanges on both sides of the strait. TaiwanThe foundation will be taken in a corresponding approach, and the relevant responsibilities derived later must be borne by the land.

The Hong Kong Bureau of the Ministry of Communications also issued a press release on Wednesday that it has immediately expressed strong dissatisfaction and solemn protest to the relevant units through the small three -link and the Sea Transport Primary School.In the case of the opponent's maritime police inspection request, he should refuse and immediately notify the Maritime Patrol Department to assist in the abstinence and the response.

The Hong Kong Bureau of the Department of Transportation pointed out that after the epidemic, the healthy and orderly exchanges and operations of the sea transportation on both sides of the strait gradually recovered, and the Taiwan side continued to promote the policy direction.If the method of promoting the method, if the land party insists on taking one -sided actions, it will obstruct the normal communication and manufacturing of the two sides of the strait. The underlying potential will be forced to adopt the corresponding method. The subsequent derivative responsibility must be borne by the land side, and it should be enjoyed by both parties.

According to CCTV news reports, the Maritime Law enforcement boat formation led by the Taiwan Strait large cruise rescue ship "Sea Patrol 06" led the Pingtan Maritime Regulatory Base at 9 am on Wednesday at 9 am and open TaiwanSpecial operations of joint cruise inspections in the northern part of the strait.

This special operation lasted for three days. The Fujian Maritime Affairs Bureau dispatched the "Sea Tour 06" rotary formation and maritime law enforcement officers to work with the East China Sea Rescue Bureau and the East China Sea Navigation Guarantee Center.Direct navigation container routes, small three -way passenger routes, Taiwan Strait ship habitual routes, commercial and fishing vessels navigation dense areas, and illegal sand mining activities have conducted cruise inspections.

During the operation, the marine law enforcement officers implemented on -site inspections on the cross -strait direct cargo ships and construction operating vessels to ensure the safety of ship navigation and ensure the safety and orderlyness of key water engineering operations.In the next two days, the "Sea Tour 06" formation formation will continue to conduct cruise inspections in the northern part of the Taiwan Strait.