The US official announced that the Congress led by the Representative McCord has arrived in Taiwan.According to Taiwan media reports, the delegation will meet with Taiwan Cai Yingwen on Saturday (April 8).The delegation visits the information of Taiwan.

The United States announced on the official website on Thursday (April 6) in the Taiwan Association, and Michael Mccaul, the chairman of the House of Representatives, led a group to visit Taiwan from April 6th to 8th from April 6th to 8th.There are seven members of the Republican and Democratic parties of the regiment.

The United States introduced in the Taiwan Association in the Taiwan Association that this visit is a part of the visit to the Indo -Ether area.The delegation will meet with Taiwan senior leaders to discuss US -Taiwan relations, regional security, trade and investment, and other important issues related to the interests of both parties.

McCal said on the press release that the delegation will meet with the leaders of Taiwan's business community, as well as senior officials in Taiwan's administrative and legislators to discuss.Economic and national defense relationships between Taiwan. "

Taiwan and the United States reported that the delegation arrived in Taiwan on the morning of the 6th to start a visit, and it is expected to meet with Cai Yingwen and the executive and legislative departments in Taiwan.They visited South Korea earlier.Cai Yingwen is expected to return to Taiwan on the evening of the 7th to meet with McCawal on the 8th.