Wen Weizhong Taipei Special officer [email protected]

Cai Mai will debut under the world's attention, and Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen and the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy delivered a speech together.

Cai Yingwen thanked the United States for its support for "firm and unique", so that the people of Taiwan are not alone, and describing democracy is threatened; McCarthy describes the current US -Taiwan relationship. "More firmly, it means that the friendship of Meitai is essential for maintaining economic freedom, peace and stability in the region.

Two people held closed -door talks at the Reagan Library, Sagita Valley, California in Singapore, April 6, April 5th (Singapore time) at 10 am (Singapore time).Member.

Tsai Ing -wen and McCarthy delivered a speech at 12 noon (at 3 am on April 6, Singapore time), but did not accept questions from reporters.McCarthy also led cross -party members to a press conference at 2 pm (5 am in Singapore time).

He reiterated the Taiwan Relations Law, six guarantees, and promised to timely Taiwan military sales in a timely manner to improve Taiwan's self -defense capabilities and ensure regional peace.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is the third figure in the architecture of the US political power, second only to the President of Zheng and Vice President.Cai Mai will be the highest -level talks held in the United States since the interruption of Taiwan and the United States in 1979.Beijing has been rigid, condemning the United States and Taiwan for violation of the principles of the first middle school.Perosi, the former in McCarthy and the former Speaker of the House of Representatives in early August last year, visited Taiwan. It had caused the PLA to encircle Taiwan's military exercises and missiles over the Taiwan Strait crisis over Taipei.

On the eve of Cai Mai Society, the formation of the first domestic aircraft carrier "Shandong" in the mainland went through the Southeast Taiwan waters, and for the first time, the Western Pacific Airlines training was launched for the first time to express its military operations.The Fujian Maritime Affairs Bureau also launched a special operation of joint cruise inspections in the central and northern parts of the Taiwan Strait. Scholars interpreted as the mainland to further deny the tacit understanding of the central line through law enforcement facts.

McCathara plans to visit Taiwan in the spring season. It is said to be persuaded by the Tsai government to meet in the Reagan Library, which is about 64 kilometers from Los Angeles, where his constituency is located, and avoid irritating Beijing.

Tsai Ing -wen said, "We once again discovered that we were in the world of democracy and threatened, so that the freedom of lighthouse was urgent, and it was not too much emphasized."

She quoted Reagan's famous saying, "Freedom is not passed down from generation to generation, and each generation must defend and strive for freedom." Relative to Taiwan's determination to maintain peace, so that the people of Taiwan will continue to live in a free and open society.She also revealed that Reagan's belief mentioned in the meeting, "To maintain peace, must be strong first", "As long as we unite, we must be stronger."

In a press conference of cross -party factions, McCarthy summarized the focus of talks with Tsai Ing -wen, emphasizing that peace can ensure security, freedom can lead to prosperity, and Taiwan must be safe to maintain regional peace.

He said in response to the reporter that Beijing claimed to maintain the "one country, two systems" after unifying Taiwan, and did not change the lifestyle of Taiwanese people. However, the one -country and two systems in Hong Kong are the lessons of the front car of Taiwan. There is only one voice in society under the autocratic government.

He emphasized that the policy of the United States is unchanged, and he will not invite Tsai Ing -wen to give a lecture on Congress. He currently has no plans to visit Taiwan, but this does not mean that he will not go.

McCarthy emphasized that the six security assurances made by former US President Reagan that year were still effective, including the strong armed forces on the sales of Taiwan forces, enhanced self -defense capabilities, and maintained peace in Taiwan.

McCarthy was also asked if he thought that the United States would support the United States for military operations to defend Taiwan when attacking Taiwan in the mainland?McCarthy replied that he met Cai Yingwen to prevent this "hypothetical" situation.

"Our goal is that this hypothetical situation will never become a reality. The best way is to provide weapons to let people avoid war. This is a key lesson we learned from Ukraine."