In his speech at the East Asia Peace Forum today, the president of Taiwan ’s Executive President said that President Tsai Ing -wen has repeatedly announced that he has been in good faith in mainland China, his promises remain unchanged, and will not go back to confrontation.Being able to talk, communicate, and promote the peaceful development of cross -strait on peaceful development with the mainland will not change.

According to the Taiwan Central Electronics Daily, Lai Qingde also emphasized that Taiwan is an independent country and an important member of the India and Pacific region. In terms of economic development, Taiwan has no responsibility and contributing to the economic development of this region.Therefore, as soon as Tsai Ing -wen took office, he proposed a new southward policy, hoping to cooperate with each other in Southeast Asian countries to communicate with each other and promote development.

Lai Qingde attended the East Asia Peace Forum today. He pointed out in his speech that Asia is increasingly important in international status. In terms of security challenges, Asia is importance to importance.Entering the East China Sea, also starting the M503 route one by one, which seriously impacted the current situation of cross -strait peace. It is worthy of worldwide attention. Asia is the proud of the economy, and security is a step -by -step crisis.

He said that Asia plays a pivotal position in the world and plays a pivotal position worldwide.But on the other hand, it is also worthy of attention from the security strategy.

He emphasized that in terms of security, Taiwan is also committed to peaceful development in the Asian region. On the one hand, Taiwan will increase funds in national defense forces and jointly defend regional peace with Asian countries.Second, it will also fully support the United Nations economic sanctions on North Korea. I hope that the Korean Peninsula crisis caused by North Korea will be resolved peacefully at an early date, so as not to cause turbulence.

He said that he was looking forward to the increasingly serious Asian crisis of the Asian crisis, so that the people in this region can be resolved by the increasingly serious ways to concentrate their wisdom, so that the people in this area can survive peacefully.