A Japanese business ship drove Taiwanese fishing vessels in the overlap of the economic waters earlier this month, which tightened the Taiwan -Japan relations as allies as allies.Due to the relevant evidence of the Japanese side, Taiwan has stopped protesting the incident on this matter, but the fishermen on the island are dissatisfied. The DPP government is often criticized by the outside world.

On the 4th of this month on the 4th of this month of Taiwan's fishing vessel, when I went to the fishing point of the Heilan and the island of Japan and the island of Japan, they were chased by the Japanese Aquatic Affairs Department of the Aquatic Aquatic Affairs Department and attacked with water cannons.Assist.

The Stele of the Japanese and Taiwan Exchange Association was splashed with red paint

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan believes that Japanese practices are fooled and expressed solemn protests to Japan in Taipei and Tokyo on the 5th.However, Xie Changting, the representative of Taiwan in Japan, also emphasized that Taiwan must also review within Taiwan, because as a Taiwanese Eastern Hemisphere No. 28 as an entertainment fishing boat, not only did it enter the Taiwan -Japan Fisheries Agreement, it also violated the entertainment ship.Regulation.

This remark was not only regarded by public opinion as a love for the Japanese side, but also triggered a lover in the wild party. It was also supporters of the Taiwan Exchange Association with the Functional Embassy's Function.

Xie Changting was invited to return to Taiwan to the Legislative Yuan when he was inquiring with the legislators in the above -mentioned fishing vessel disputes that the representative office stood at the position of maintaining sovereignty as soon as possible.It shows that there are two fishes in the picture on the 28th Eastern Hemisphere.Because Taiwan cannot file a counter -evidence, and Taiwan has stopped protest based on diplomatic trust.

Xie Changting also said that if Taiwan questioned the authenticity of the photo, the Japanese would definitely take out the video, because the Japanese were doing things very rigorous.

In this regard, Cai Yuanlong, the chairman of the Fisheries Association of the Suao District of Taiwan, representing fishermen, said that if fishermen must be punished if they leave the law, they sometimes drive the Taiwan fishing vessels because Japan does not identify our sovereignty.There is nothing to do with each other.Cai Yuanlong urged Xie Changting to harden and not bend his arms outward.

Due to the adjacent geographical location of Taiwan and Japan, and the Japanese Batshan Islands are close to Taiwan, the economic waters between the two sides have overlapped sharply.In 2013, Taiwan and Japan signed the Taiwan -Japan Fisheries Agreement to obtain staged results to ensure that Taiwanese fishermen's fishing and fishing operations between 25 to 27 degrees north latitude were not disturbed by the Japanese side.The overlapping waters north of the north and the Bazhong Mountain Islands, and news about the interference between Taiwan fishing vessels in this waters was heard during this period.

Since the DPP government came to power the previous year, Taiwan -Japan relations have been significantly heating up. The Japanese government not only improves the level of officials visited Taiwan, but also renamed the name of the Japanese Agreement from Japan from the original Japan Exchange Association to the Taiwan Exchange Association of Japan, highlighting the friendly relationship between Taiwan and JapanEssenceLast month, the Hualien strong earthquake, the Japanese Abe government even published an open letter on the official website of the Prime Minister's residence on the name of disaster relief and condolences.

Blue Camp criticized the Democratic Progressive Party in the case of the stagnation of cross -strait relations, adopting Baba Japan to fight against the CCP's provocative diplomatic strategy, so he frequently bowed his head to Japan on the issue of nuclear disaster food imports and comfort women.Xie Changting emphasized when he was questioned by legislators yesterday that the DPP government did not have a beautiful day.