Wu Zhizhong, director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in the Legislative Yuan that former President Lee Teng -hui has visited the United States. If it can happen again, it is a good thing. Various high -level interoperability in Taiwan and the United States is a direction of hard work.

After the US President Trump signed the Taiwan Travel Law (referred to as the Taiwan Travel Law) last week, the possibility of Taiwan President Tsai Ing -wen will hold a Special Caihui with Trump in the future.President Lee Teng -hui once visited the United States. It would be a good thing if it could happen again, and various high -level visit to Taiwan and the United States were in the direction of hard work.

It is generally believed that Trump ’s signing of the Taiwan Tourism Law last week has the meaning of playing Taiwan.The substantial mutual visits of Taiwan -US senior officials will become the observation indicators of Taiwan -US relations.

Wang Dingyu, a DPP legislator of the DPP, asked yesterday that whether the United States would send officials to attend 5Shy; the Monthly Taiwan -US National Defense Conference, the Ministry of Defense still maintained a low -key attitude, only saying that everything would still follow the past model.

AIT former Director: Indirectly acknowledged that the platform is the country

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not deny that the higher the level of US officials who want to attend AIT, the better, the better, and the United States is still in negotiation.

Situ Wen, former director of AIT, believes that the key to the Taiwan Tourism Law is not only to encourage Taiwan -US officials to visit each other, but the case in the bill also indirectly acknowledged the fact that Taiwan is a country.

Wu Zhizhong said that there is no obstacle to Taiwan and the United States. Taiwan has been recognized by many countries. If it is not a mainland factor, they are willing to visit Taiwan, but the United States still has to worry about the mainland's views.It can be the norm, and he is happy to see Situ Wen's statement.

Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Ju, who is about to take over the Secretary -General of the Presidential Palace, and Deng Zhenzhong, a administrative member of the Executive Yuan, just visited Washington this week. Although it may not be related to the signing of Taiwan -US officials with Trump's law, the media reports Chen JuDuring the Huafu period, he will be treated specially in the United States. It will arrange to meet with senior officials such as Bolness of the Asian Affairs of the National Security Council and Xue Ruifu, Assistant Minister of Asia -Pacific Affairs of the Ministry of National Defense.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council changed the supervisor yesterday

Chen Mingtong, the new chairman of the Taiwan MAC, took office yesterday. Zhang Zhijun, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, also stepped down yesterday. The post was taken over by Liu Jieyi, deputy director of the State Council.

Chen Mingtong was unwilling to comment on the personnel case of mainland China. He only emphasized that he hopes that cross -strait can cooperate together to promote the safety of peace and Taiwan Strait on both sides of the strait, and to increase the co -prosperity of cross -strait coexistence.

He said that the current primary task will set up a task force in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Yuan to regularly collect information on 31 policies in the 31st policies in the mainland and report to the government and the public.