Meng Wanzhou (second from right) left British Columbia High Court after appearing on Wednesday.(AFP)

According to reports, other reasons for other stop extradition procedures proposed by the Lawyer Group include: the Canadian authorities illegally detained, searched and questioned Meng Wanzhou at the airport, and delayed the time of routine immigration inspection, and then arrested her.

Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou will apply to the Canadian court to stop extradition procedures.She also argued that being arrested and detained by the Canadian government was unqualified, and extradition her to the United States was not basically basically.

Comprehensive Reuters, Broadcasting Corporation, etc. reported that Meng Wanzhou went to court on Wednesday (May 8th) in the morning on Wednesday (May 8th) local time (May 8th) to appear in the High Court of British Columbia Province to attend the hearing aimed at the next trial schedule.She was wearing a black and gray dress to the court, wearing an electronic surveillance equipment on her ankle, and her husband Liu Xiaoyi also went to listen to it.The last time she appeared in the trial was about two months ago.

Meng Wanzhou's lawyer group said that the basis for being planned to stop extradition procedures was that the United States was extradited from Meng Wanzhou due to political motivation.After Meng Wanzhou was arrested, Reuters had quoted US President Trump that if he would help reach a trade agreement with China, he would intervene in the United States' case against Meng Wanzhou.

Meng Wanzhou's lawyer believes that Trump's remarks make the United States unlikely to promote the extradition procedure in Canada.Defense lawyer Fanton said Trump's remarks were intimidated and eroded the rule of law.Huawei also issued a statement yesterday morning saying that the United States ordered the arrest of Meng Wanzhou as an illegal abuse procedure, and there were political factors behind the political factors, rather than consideration of the rule of law.

The 47 -year -old Meng Wanzhou was the daughter of Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, and was arrested when he was transferred at Vancouver Airport on December 1 last year.She was wanted in violation of the US sanctions on Iran.After 10 days, she paid $ 10 million (about S $ 10.11 million). Other bail conditions include wearing electronic surveillance equipment and hiring special security teams to monitor all -weather.

According to reports, other reasons for other stop extradition procedures proposed by the Lawyer Group include: the Canadian authorities illegally detained, searched and questioned Meng Wanzhou at the airport, and delayed the time of routine immigration inspection, and then arrested her.In addition, the US sanctions regulations on Iran are not applicable to Canada, so they do not meet the double criminal principles of extradition.According to the Canadian extradition law and the US -Canada extradition agreement, the crimes involved in the extradition people are identified as criminal behaviors in both countries before they meet the extradition conditions.

Wang Jiangyu, an associate professor at the National University of Law of Singapore, was affirmed by the Lianhe Morning Post yesterday. He affirmed that the team of lawyer Meng Wanzhou was quite strong and put forward a strong basis in the defense.Among them, extradition must be a non -political nature, and the principle of dual crime is a strong legal basis.

Scholars: Mei Yi Huawei and China Political Games

Wang Jiangyu said: Trump's performance, the game between China and the United States, and the aggressive trend of the United States on China, (these are) showing a very strong political hellip; hellip; the United States actually regards Huawei as international politics with ChinaOne of the games of the game.

As for double crimes, Wang Jiangyu said that Canada's sanctions on Iran are actually only applicable to their own people. Meng Wanzhou is not a Canadian. This regulation does not apply to her.

The two parties reported that they also conducted offense and defense at the speed of trial.Although the prosecution requested the fast lane to complete the extradition process of Meng Wanzhou, the Meng Wanzhou Lawyer Group stated that he would apply to the court to announce the additional information from the prosecution, including the information arrested in Vancouver in December last year in Vancouver last year.Essence

Wang Jiangyu said that in fact, there were no special reasons to take the fast lane procedure, and under normal circumstances, it should be dragged for a long time.He believes that: the prosecution is obviously wanting to cut the random hellip; hellip; if you take lsquo; fast lane rsquo;, it is obviously to meet the needs of the United States.

The Meng Wanzhou Lawyer Group also applied for the easing of the security work on the grounds that the security work was easier to arrange for the new residence to the newly renovated mansion from the current residence to the newly renovated mansion.The mansion is reportedly three times the residence area, which is reported to one of the highest -grade neighborhoods in Vancouver.

Meng Wanzhou will appear again on September 23, and the relevant information will be disclosed.The date of extradition hearing has not been determined. It is reported that the first trial will not be launched in January next year, but this process may also be dragged for several years.

Geng Shuang, a Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at a regular press conference yesterday, urged Canada to release Meng Wanzhou immediately.He also criticized the United States and Canada abuse of bilateral extradition treaties, thinking that this was a serious political event together.

Sino -Canadian relations have continued to be nervous since the arrest of Meng Wanzhou. China has seized former Canadian diplomats Kang Mingkai and businessman Sparpver to prohibit the import of Canadian agricultural products and sentence them to the other two Canadians: Shendberg and Fan WeiEssenceXierenberg was sentenced to appeal after the first instance of the first instance of this year. The Liaoning High Court publicly tried the case in the second instance yesterday and pronounced it.

(Reporter is Lianhe Zaobao Chongqing Special officer)