US President Trump signed the Taiwan Tourism Law to encourage US and Taiwanese officials to visit all levels.(Reuters)

U.S. President Trump Washington signed the Taiwan Tourism Law yesterday (16th).

China News Agency quoted a statement issued by the Office of the White House A spokesman's office yesterday afternoon. Trump signed five bills that day, including the Taiwan Tourism Law.

The Taiwan Tourism Law was approved in the House of Representatives and Senate on January 9 and February 28, respectively on January 9 and February 28, and submitted to the White House on March 5.

According to the Taiwan Tourism Act, the bill shows the attitude of Congress and believes that the US government should encourage US and Taiwanese officials to conduct mutual visits at all levels.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang stated on the 16th local time that although the relevant provisions of the above proposal have no legal binding, it seriously violates the three joint communiqué regulations of China and China and the United States.The Chinese side strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed this, and has proposed to the United States with a serious negotiation.

Lu Kang said that a Chinese principle is the political foundation of Sino -US relations.China has urged the United States to adhere to the promise of a Chinese policy and abide by the three joint bulletin principles of China and the United States.In addition, stop the official exchanges between the United States and Taiwan and improve the substantial relationship, and deal with Taiwan -related issues carefully and properly, so as not to cause severe interference and damage to Sino -US cooperation.