The peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait area caused a serious impact.

US President Trump officially signed the Taiwan Travel Law on Friday, which immediately caused strong dissatisfaction in mainland China. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has proposed to the United States with a serious negotiation.

The State Council also responded yesterday.The spokesman An Fengshan said on the official website in the form of answering reporters that although the relevant terms of the Taiwan Travel Law are not legal binding, it seriously violates the three joint communiqué regulations of a Chinese principle and China and the United States.He is also telling the Taiwan side to be burning.

Wu Qian, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, also said late night the night before that he resolutely opposed the signing of the Taiwan travel law in the United States.He said that Taiwan is part of China. The issue of Taiwan is purely China's internal affairs. The bill interfere with China's internal affairs and damage the development atmosphere of the relationship between the two armies between China and the United States.

Wu Qian said: China requires the United States to keep their promises and correct mistakes. They shall not implement the relevant terms of the above bills, stop the official exchanges between the United States and Taiwan, stop the military in the United States and Taiwan, and stop selling martial arts in Taiwan to avoid the relationship between China and the United States and the peace of Taiwan.Stability causes serious damage.

The People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China also published a signature bell yesterday that the United States has launched a so -called communication bill with Taiwan and challenging a Chinese bottom line. It is a serious interference with the Sino -US relations and the situation in the Taiwan Strait. The Chinese people will not agree.

Comments said that at a critical moment of the development of Sino -US relations, the United States attempts to use the Taiwan brand to make a profit, which will only be counterproductive and eat bitter fruit.The comment urges the United States to deal with Taiwan -related issues carefully and properly to maintain the overall situation of Sino -US relations and the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait with practical actions, and effectively fulfill the responsibility of the great power. The Chinese army resolutely opposes the United States signing with the Taiwan Communication Act with Taiwan

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense Wu Qian on the 17th at night on the 17th, he signed a conversation with the United States signing with the Taiwan Act in the United States, saying that the United States signed a bill with Taiwan, and the Chinese army resolutely opposed it.

Wu Qian pointed out that Taiwan is part of China, and Taiwan's issue is purely China's internal affairs.Although the relevant terms of the case have no legal binding power, it seriously violates the provisions of a China principle and the three joint communiqués of China and the United States, interfere with the internal affairs of China, and harm the development atmosphere of the relationship between China and the United States.

China requires the United States to keep their promises and correct mistakes.EssenceWu Qian said.