The Chinese President of China issued a tough speech on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan at the closing meeting of the 13th National People's Congress on Monday (March 20) at the closing meeting of the 13th National People's Congress, saying that it is necessary to implement one country, two systems and adhere to the 1992 consensus, but also firmly oppose division.

All the actions and tricks of splitting the motherland are destined to fail. They will be condemned by the people and the punishment of history. The Chinese people and the Chinese nation have a common belief.May be divided from China!

Taiwan Foreign Ministry: Exercise sovereignty should not say three ways and four

Last week, US President Trump signed the Taiwan Travel Law. Taiwan regarded it as a substantial breakthrough in US -Taiwan diplomacy since 1979.The tough remarks were considered to be targeted at the law.

In 1979, the United States broke off diplomatic relations with Taiwan and turned to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. After that, Taiwanese officials could not visit Washington; US officials went to Taiwan to communicate in non -national defense and diplomacy.According to the content of the Taiwan Travel Law, officials at all levels of the United States can visit Taiwan and meet with Taiwanese officials. Taiwanese officials can also visit the United States by respectful forms, and meet with officials at all levels of Washington, including the State Council and the Ministry of National Defense.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokesman Li Xiangzhang's speech on Tuesday: Diplomacy is an act that a sovereign state should exercise. No country should say three or four.

Regardless of any country's views on Taiwan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not relax and will continue to work hard to promote diplomatic work, he said.

Li Xianzhang said that Taiwan hopes to play a more active role in regional peaceful development and stable prosperity. It is hoped that the United States, Japan and the European Union and other concepts will be similar to countries, and Taiwan will support Taiwan to play an important role.

On the same day, when the president of Taiwan ’s Chief Executive Lai Qingde attended the Legislative Yuan, he was asked that in recent years, mainland China required foreign companies to not list Taiwan as a country. How can we respond?Lai Qingde said that Taiwan is an independent country of sovereignty. Regardless of China's strong pressure, these methods will not change this fact.

This response was immediately criticized by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded: Taiwan is an indispensable part of China's territory, and it is never possible to become a country.

We resolutely oppose LSquo; Taiwan independence rsquo; division activities, all the actions and tactics of all the divisions of the country are destined to fail, they will be condemned by the people and the punishment of history.This naked lsquo; Taiwan independence rsquo; speech is a serious provocation of cross -strait relations, and it will definitely eat evil results.

Can't Hong Kong and Macau's region say that one party dictatorship is over?

The two sessions amended the Constitution and added a sentence to the leadership of the Communist Party of China as the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Tan Yaozong, executive member of the National People's Congress of China and former chairman of the Democratic Construction Federation of the Hong Kong -owned Party, said earlier that if people who run the Legislative Council seats in Hong Kong in the future have proposed to end the slogan of one -party dictatorship, it may be unconstitutional and affect the qualifications for running.

Chen Sixi, deputy director of the China Association of Macau, also believes that, according to his understanding, people who have ended one party dictatorship cannot run for the Legislative Council.Chen Sixi, former director of the Basic Law Committee of the National People's Congress, said that the constitution is the fundamental law of the country. Although Hong Kong is a special administrative division, it must also respect the constitution and maintain the authority of the constitution. There are no two systems in this regard.

Ending the one -party dictatorship is a slogan that appears on June 4th every year. Many democratic camps have also shouted, and one of the programs responsible for holding the party is to end the one -party dictatorship.

The Hong Kong Democratic School has previously been disqualified from members of the Legislative Council because of the oath of the oath (DQ), which makes the outside world worry that this statement is to further prevent more democratic people from running for the Legislative Council.

He Junren, the chairman of the branch association, said that he would not modify the slogan because of this speech.Yin Zhaojian, member of the Standing Committee and Legislative Council member of the Branch Association, believes that if Tan Yaozong's remarks are the central view, it is equivalent to announcing that one country, two systems have been dead, and he said that he would not worry about being disqualified from the parliament because he had called this slogan.Tan Yao's purpose is to create white terror.

According to Article 104 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, members of the Legislative Council must swore to support the Basic Law in accordance with the law and loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.The SARs did not mention the constitution.Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue said that the qualifications of the election are processed in accordance with the law, and then the election director is decided.

What is the response on social media?

On Sina Weibo, the online accounts of official media such as Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, and Global Times dynamically live broadcast in different forms, and sorted out golden sentences, including text, golden sentences, long Weibo pictures, short films, etc.

The People's Daily Weibo posted a big red background gold map in the form of Jiugongge. With these words, it was very powerful, forwarded, and learned!Explanation was nearly 10,000 reprints as of 9 o'clock that night.The Voice of China called on Weibo to listen to Chairman Xi's words and applaud him together!, Release a special web page, in the design background map of the vast starry sky, five -star red flag and artificial satellite, just click on the web text to play audio and listen to reading it.

However, despite the strong media Weibo, folk comments are surprisingly less.Each public data of the relevant Weibo shows that many people comment and share, but the number of comments on the comment area is far less than related numbers: For exampleUnder Weibo, the number showed 197 comments, while only about 10 public display publicly displayed, all of which are positive content; click on the original public reprint area, and a blank is directly displayed.