However, subjective efforts are difficult to restore the overall situation. No matter how good the way of news workers, good quality, how wonderful it is presented. What is the meaning of if there is no local reader?

On the evening of September 6, the Singapore Hua Orchestra cooperated with the Mid -Autumn Festival to host a concert with the theme of "Ancient Moon Shrings in the City, Moon Round Reunion"., Also attractive.

This concert was jointly organized with Lianhe Zaobao. That day coincided with the 101st birthday of the Morning Post that day.

I hope that people will last long, and I hope the Morning Post will last long.

However, in today's Singapore cultural environment, the original Chinese mangrove original ecology has been severely damaged, the challenge facing the Morning Post is undoubtedly more and more severe.

Time has passed so fast. The Morning Post held the 100th anniversary of the grand dinner in the Mid -Autumn Festival last year. The touching scene full of "concentricity and virtue" aura is still vivid, as if it was yesterday.

In the dinner speech, Li Huiling, the president of the Chinese Media Group of the New Newspaper Group, said: "The United Zard of the Morning Post has to look forward in the first hundred years, and dare to make a more grand and long -term in the long run.Objectives. We must move towards the next century, and we must also see a world larger than Singapore, becoming a Chinese media that can bring value to the world.

Zhuangzi Say!This is not her ambition alone, but the common longing of many Chinese newspaper people.

This is not so high and far away, nor is it a great self -esteem. Although the Lianhe Morning Post, which is planted, is just a Chinese newspaper that Singaporeans show to Singaporeans, but under the unintentional insertion of willow, the willow is shaded, and the coverage is far beyond the narrow land., Expand to the entire Chinese world.

The Morning Post caught up with the Internet trend on August 15, 1995, becoming the earliest Chinese newspaper in the world, and it is out of control.Over the years, relying on the morning newspaper network established by the morning newspaper media, the mobile Internet has continuously extended its value chain, value -added expansion, expanded platforms, and browsing the number of browsing.According to the report of the Lianhe Morning Post in February last year, at the end of 2022, the number of independent visitors per month for its website has exceeded 8 million, of which 80 % are overseas readers, far exceeding the local population of Chinese.

In the past 30 years, the Morning Post has enjoys a lofty status in the Chinese world. It has a large number of readers in mainland China. It has a great influence and is an indisputable fact.Whether it is the feedback from the political leaders, officials, businessmen, culture or academic circles from Singapore, or people who often visit China, or from countless delegations from Chinese party and government agencies, media, culture, academic or business,In the "Said Saids" of the delegation, training group, investment promotion group, etc., they have proved that the Morning Post is widely valued by officials in China, cultural, academia, business circles, and officials from the central government.Important channels for overseas information.People familiar with the matter even asserted that Lianhe Zaobao has become the spiritual food of China's political and intellectual elites. The Morning Post is a website where they often visit.

Freshly known, Chinese national leaders also read the morning newspaper.The most famous example is that in 2007, the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao participated in the national banquet set by Premier Lee Hsien Longlong in the Presidential Palace of Singapore. He said that he was a loyal reader in Lianhe Zaobao.The most recent example was the Chinese central leader who visited Singapore the year before. He privately told an important leader in Singapore in a meeting that he read the Morning News every day.

It can be said that the Morning Post has closer the relationship between the two countries and plays an important role in promoting mutual understanding.

A domestic newspaper in a small country of small pills can have such influence on a big world; a Chinese newspaper located in the Chinese culture border, which can produce such exciting attractiveness to the birthplace of Chinese culture and even the entire Chinese world.It must be said that it is a legend in the history of modern communication.

There are so many Chinese newspapers outside China. Why does the Morning Post only enjoy this honor?

This is definitely not accidental.The main reason why the Morning Post is very popular is that it adheres to an independent perspective, adheres to the professional principles and objective attitudes to report and comment on China.EssenceThe Morning Post knows that this is the greatest value of Chinese and even global Chinese readers. For many years, he has adhered to such a position and never compromised.

Li Xianlong's government has accurately observed this.He pointed out in a speech at the Centennial Daqing Dinner of the Zaobao as Prime Minister last year that the Morning Post can become an authoritative Chinese media with local and Asia. One of the important factor is to see the world from the perspective of Singapore.

He said: "One of the most valuable traits of the Morning Post is that you have always reported international events with a unique Singapore view, and it is also a platform that provides diversified and rational views.The Morning Post provides its own independent analysis and explains the development of the situation from the position of Singapore.This is where the Morning Post is different from other Chinese newspapers in the world, and it is also unique to the Morning Post. "

Lianhe Zaobao is valued internationally. Overseas is not only the glory of the Morning Post, but also the glory of Singapore.Singapore has many "world first" crown, and now it has a world -renowned Chinese newspaper.

Morning Post can be said to be the only Chinese cultural product in Singapore's overseas market overseas. It is another famous Singapore brand in the world. It has led Singapore's flags to the land of culture.

Such a huge influence naturally attracted the attention of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.He said at the 80th anniversary of the Morning Post in 2003: "The Electronic Edition of the United Zaobao 'Lianhe Zaobao has occupied a place in the Chinese world.Brand.

He went on to say: "For this country, based on national interests, we should keep at least one high -quality Chinese newspaper. This newspaper is a joint morning newspaper. This is a national cause.Can promote "

Jun Wuyou said that the importance of the Morning Post 21 years ago has increased the importance of the Morning Post to the height of the "national cause".Will his "legacy" be seriously inherited?Nine years after his old man left, did this cup of tea began to "cool"?

Morning Post is a Chinese culture heavy town

Since the successive history of Nanyang University and Chinese School, the Lianhe Zaobao has become one of the only Chinese cultural and cultural town in Singapore.(Some people say that it is a "cultural fortress", but I think it is too sad and full of resistance.)

As a cultural town in Singapore, as a "national cause", as a Singapore cultural brand in the minds of overseas Chinese, as a spiritual food that maintains the people's feelings of the two countries, whether it can continue to survive and develop in the future, Continue to play its important roles and play the major role of these favorable national society, it is not just a question of the morning Post or Chinese Society, but a issue that should be caring with "national upper and lower".

Of course, the newspaper must be self -improved. In fact, the efforts have not been lax in these years.In recent years, the Morning Post has been trying to enhance the image and actively in eachDevelop visibility in domestic and international occasions.The "New China Forum" hosted by 2017 is an example. This high -end forum has invited people from Singapore and Chinese political and business circles to discuss new areas of production and cooperation between the two countries and new social topics, etc., and broaden the new ideas.EssenceThe forum has been held five times so far, and the sixth time will be held in Suzhou next month.

ThinkChina, created in 2019, is another important measure for the Morning Post to try to expand its influence.Idea is a digital webstone that focuses on China's development. It brings the brilliant content of the dynamics of China's dynamics to the world of English readers.

In addition to the contents of the Morning Post, it also independently publishes works from scholars and professors from Singapore, China, Asia, Europe and the United States, covering the current government, economy, science and technology and cultural fields in China and Greater China.

Although it has only been established for only five years, I think China has achieved good results, which has attracted the attention of the English world. Readers include some well -known people in the Western political and academic circles.Contact communication.Chen Qingzhu, a Singaporean Ambassador Chen Qingzhu, is also one of the readers. At a seminar on the theme of "The End of the History" at the Lee Guangyao School of Public Policy on September 16, she detailed the thinking of Chinese translation from the Morning Post in detail in China.Reports on the consumption of second- and third -tier cities in China show that China's economic situation is not dim, and pointed out that if you only look at the mainstream Western media, this kind of positive news often cannot be seen.

This example specifically illustrates the value of China in China, that is, introduce the rich Chinese content of the Morning Post to the English world, helping English readers more accurately understand China, thereby projecting the influence of the Morning Post a wider and farther.

In addition, the Morning Post also actively establishes contact with the media, culture, education and academic institutions at home and abroad to cooperate in training news talents, joint activities, and expanding surrounding business.

However, subjective efforts are difficult to restore the overall situation. No matter how good the way of the journalist, the good quality, the way of presented, and how wonderful it is. What is the meaning of not local readers?Is it necessary to turn the Morning Post into a newspaper that Singaporeans do it for foreigners?

More importantly, if no one inherits this important cultural heritage, why is there any inheritance?

If we do not immediately take maintenance operations and continue to shrink the local Chinese ecology, it is not impossible to end.

A few "essences" cannot support a piece of heaven

You know, the vibrant Chinese ecosystem we once owned, in addition to continuously producing various Chinese talents, also cultivated a lot of Chinese talents, and for the endless supply of Chinese media and cultural and artistic circlesVarious, but they all have at least acceptable audiences.They are the vast grassroots of Chinese culture, and they are indispensable for the Chinese culture.

Now this severely damaged ecology has faded, the source is gradually breaking, and living water has begun to dry up.

Even if we now suddenly realize the "essence", we will catch up and start to actively cultivate more so -called "proficient Chinese talents", but if it is only a "essence" of a few pyramid spinsEssence

Singapore National University and guest professor Bai Shizhen, a guest professor of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, published an audible comment on Singapore on September 20?Seeing a bloody point, we not only need a few political elites that can master the Chinese language, but also need to from entrepreneurs, senior management to academic and research, science and technology and innovation, production and operation, to culture and art, etc.Cultivate more talents who are proficient in Chinese and make Chinese education popularize.

The conclusions of the article are clicked: "We need to start layout and prepare, including in Chinese policy, because language learning requires long -term training. We should start to strengthen the popularity of Chinese education and encourage more.Many social application scenarios, cultivating a rich Chinese organic ecological environment, to achieve a Chinese policy that is equivalent to real bilingual, and more confident to face the Chinese world in the future.

I agree with him very much. This sound Chinese ecosystem must be organic, popular and complete to face the challenge of "the rise of the Chinese world in the future".

Only by maintaining the Chinese ecology of Singapore can we allow this modern legend of the "one newspaper, two countries" created by Lianhe Zaobao in accordance with the long -term interests of the country; more importantly, allowing Singapore's unique Chinese culture to be passed onEssence

We have a historical responsibility for this last Chinese cultural town.