Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

The United States and South Korea issued a statement that agreed to strengthen cooperation in the fields of semiconductors, robots, and digital economies, coordinate and implement export control measures to protect national security and reduce interference in global supply chain.The statement did not mention China, but South Korean President Yin Xiyue reported that the United States had pressure before visiting the United States a few days ago, asking Korean companies not to increase chip supply in China; Biden met with Yin Xiyue, which also showed that advanced semiconductors should be prevented from selling advanced semiconductors to China.

At the same time, Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao met with German Vice Premier Habeck. Wang Wentao expressed concern about rumors that Germany intended to restrict the chemical exports used by Germany to restrict semiconductors.At the same time, the Chinese Ambassador to Japan, Wu Jianghao, specially mentioned that the export of chip exports to cooperation with the United States with the United States will cause the Japanese chip industry to lose the future.

The attitude of the Bayeng government to China has aroused concerns about some national officials. They are worried that the world economy may be split into a strong group, one is dominated by the United States and the other is dominated by China.Make global economic fragmentation.

All messages have pointed out a phenomenon and trend, that is, the era of "hemispherical" has come on.

How to interpret it?Of course, from the anxiety of the United States, and the reason why the United States has become more and more strong in anxiety is related to its long -term core competitiveness that has long been.In the past few decades, it has always been advocating, actively promoted, and even both soft and hard, to seduce countries to join the global stance and attitude.

Globalization since the middle of the last century, its origin originated from the Bretton forest system established by the United States in 1944, but at that time, it could only be called "hemispherical" because there was about about about the world's about about about approximately about the world.Half of the country that implemented the planned economy did not join. Until 1978, Deng Xiaoping in China decided to abandon the planned economy to change the market economy.At the end of the last century, the world has finally emerged with a global global pattern of market economy.

The essence of globalization and logic are the same as the market economy. It is nothing more than the process of the market economy extended from one country to all countries. The logic of the market economy is the survival of the fittest. Who is the best?The answer is to have core competitiveness. At that time, the United States had relative and even absolute core competitiveness in almost every field at that time, and was the biggest winner.What the United States cares most is that many countries are unwilling to open up the market, so that the core competitiveness of the United States can not come in, and it is difficult to play. Therefore, the United States has spared no effort to promote and promote globalization.High morality, whoever resists globalization should be punished.

Decades later, with China's reform and opening up, China's potential core competitiveness began to emerge in globalization. Soon everyone discovered that China ’s core competitiveness in more and more fieldsThis is also the reason why China has enjoyed a huge and larger trade surplus for a long time.

Facing China's strong rise, of course, the first is the result of the American and American games that originally had strong core competitiveness. China's surplus is getting bigger and bigger, and the US deficit is getting bigger and bigger.The US President Trump, who came to power in 2017, thus launched a trade war, tariffs, and sanctions against China, but the result is not only not as good as expected, but the US trade deficit does not decrease to increase, and even indirectly increased the pressure on inflation in the United States.So after Bayeng came to power, he had to change his string.

Byndon's policy of China has two ideas, one is "decoupled"; the other is to unlock China with all allies.The decoustal thinking logic is that the United States does not want to continue to integrate with China. The result of integration is that China has taken advantage of the United States for cheap, so simply breaks from a sword to prevent the unfavorable trend to the United States.It is better to give up his own interests and suffer from both defeats, but also to combat the supply chain of China by breaking the supply.At the same time, the United States is also worried that the power of a country is not enough, so I want to do everything to force and seduce, and I will unite allies to deal with China, no matter how unwilling to resist the allies.

The development of the entire situation has retired from globalization back to hemisphericization. This trend that predicts that it will not change in the future, at least the main theme of global development in the first half of the 21st century.