Ma Ying -jeou, who had served as Taiwan from 2008 to 2016, became the first former or current leader of the Republic of China after 1949.

A few days before the Qingming Festival this year, Ma Ying -jeou went to Hunan Province to pay for his grandfather and ancestors, and visited his parents to study and live.In addition, Malaysia, including 30 students from Taiwan, also visited historical sites related to the Republic of China and the Kuomintang, such as Nanjing's Zhongshan Mausoleum and the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, as well as the World War II sites in Changsha, Chongqing and Shanghai.

Ma Ying -jeou's visits are of great significance, especially when cross -strait relations and US -China relations are at the lowest point in decades.

First of all, Ma Ying -jeou's interview reminds people's historical and cultural connections on both sides of the Straits.Both he and the mainland believe that the two sides of the strait are "family".In the case of high tension situation in the Taiwan Strait, this affectionate bond brings a hope of peace in this trip to avoid war to avoid war.

The division of cross -strait division began in the Chinese civil war.After 1949, the two sides parted ways, but the facts that belonged to the Chinese nation still did not change, and the relationship between family and culture was inseparable.

The line of horse highlights the inseparable history, culture and national connection on both sides of the strait.The Qingming Festival and ancestors are just an example of common culture.

The difference in Taiwan is getting deepening

The DPP ruling in Taiwan has always tried to de -Chinese society, and instill Taiwan and China the idea of two independent countries.Therefore, in Taiwan, fewer and few people still think they are Chinese.This "cultural Taiwan independence" approach is the most harmful to cross -strait relations because it tries to build a Taiwanese identity of a non -China or even anti -China.

Secondly, Ma Ying -jeou visited Lu and Taiwan Cai Yingwen to the United States at the same time, reflecting that Taiwan's relationship with mainland China was increasingly deepened.Ma and Cai provided two very different visions for the future of Taiwan.The people in Taiwan must decide which option is most in line with their interests.

Tsai Ing -wen visited Guatemara and Belize. The real purpose was to "survive" in the United States, and Ma Ying -jeou was on the mainland.The symbolic significance and contrast of these two visits are obvious.

During his visit to the mainland, Ma Ying -jeou repeatedly mentioned the "Republic of China" and said he was the former president of the Republic of China.On the other hand, Tsai Ing -wen prefers to be called "Taiwan" when visiting abroad, as if Taiwan is the name of an independent country.

Guatemala President Jama said that Taiwan is "the only real China", and Tsai Ing -wen stood next to him.Ironically, this is the praise that Tsai Ing -wen and their supporters are unwilling to hear, because they would rather not associate with "China".

Ma Ying -jeou's view of Taiwan's position in the world is consistent. This is also the mainstream route of the Kuomintang today: pro -beauty, friendly day, and Zhongzhong.This is in sharp contrast to the approach of Cai Yingwen and the DPP's "anti -China Anti -China" approach.

Republic of China that retains and prosper in Taiwan

Qian Fu, former Foreign Minister of the Republic of China, once said a famous saying: For Taiwan, cross -strait relations are more important than diplomatic relations.However, for the DPP, which is unable to deal with cross -strait relations, strengthening relations with the United States, especially seeking the protection of the United States and purchasing American weapons, is the only pillar of its policy.

During Ma Ying -jeou's term from 2008 to 2016, 23 agreements on both sides of the strait have opened a new chapter in cross -strait peace and cooperation.In contrast, the DPP and the Tsai government rejected the "1992 Consensus" based on the "one China", which led to a deadlock in cross -strait relations and intensified tensions.

Third, Ma Ying -jeou's comment on the Republic of China during the visit tests Beijing's flexibility on the "one China" issue and tolerate the people's wishes to the people of Taiwan.

Beijing's official point of view is that the "Republic of China" has become history and has been replaced by the People's Republic of China, and the latter has become the only legal government in China.

However, since the defeat of Chiang Kai -shek in 1949 in the civil war, the government of the Republic of China actually ruled Taiwan and the surrounding islands. After the economy took off, Taiwan gradually moved to democratization in the 1980s.In other words, the Republic of China was defeated in the mainland, but stayed in Taiwan and prospered.

During the visit, Ma Ying -jeou explained why Taiwan and the mainland belonged to the same China, and both were the Republic of China.Unsurprisingly, the mainland media ignored the remarks in the report, but it was interesting that Ma Ying -jeou could continue his schedule and received the most enthusiastic hospitality where he went.This shows that even if Beijing is not satisfied with these remarks, it can be tolerant.

It is now determined that Beijing will accept the reality of the existence of the Republic of China, which may be too early, but Beijing has not publicly refuted the remarks of Ma, and has demonstrated its claim that "under the premise of 'one China', everything is possible to have any problems.The sincerity of "talk".

The door to peace is still open

Tsai Ing -wen is unlikely to make any breakthroughs in cross -strait relations during the remaining term.After the election in January 2024, her successor should seize the opportunity and seriously carry out cross -strait political dialogue.Armed Taiwan with American weapons, but refusing to make political dialogue with the mainland will not make Taiwan safe.

In the end, Ma Ying -jeou's visit not only helps promote cross -strait exchanges, especially the communication between young people, but also gives Beijing some confidence and makes him believe that the door to peace and unity is still open.

It is worth noting that Ma Ying -jeou brought 30 students to communicate with students from Wuhan, Hunan and Fudan universities.This communication has a long -term impact on cross -strait relations.Because horses and their supporters represent the peaceful power of Taiwan, and a form of peace and unity is still possible. Beijing does not need to achieve its goals through military means, but it must be more patient in the minds of the people of Taiwan.

Nowadays, the United States has quietly abandoned long -term policies to promote cross -strait dialogue and seek peaceful solutions; on the contrary, it chooses to strengthen Taiwan's defense to scare Beijing, which may use force.However, as long as Beijing's doubts are not eliminated, any deterrence will have no effect on it.

Taiwan's political culture has changed, and Ma Ying -jeou's views on cross -strait relations may not be widely supported now, especially among Pan Green Independent voters.But his approach is pragmatic, providing a path of peace and non -confrontation for improving cross -strait relations.Over time, his vision may be accepted by more rational Taiwanese.What is encouraging is that, as Ma Ying -jeou mentioned, a polls in Taiwan's public opinion survey for his visit to Lu Ji showed that 77%of the respondents said they were optimistic.

The long -term peace and prosperity on both sides of the Taiwan Strait depends on the unremitting efforts of all parties.Through this interview, Ma Ying -jeou, as a leader who could start bridge on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, established his position in history.Although many members of the Taiwan independence camp, including Tsai Ing -wen himself, sang anti -tuning, Ma Ying -jeou's efforts to promote cross -strait exchanges and cooperation, as well as East Asia's peace and stability are worthy of praise.

The author is a professor of politics and international relations at the University

The English Electronics Magazine "ThinkChina" (ThinkChina " ying- -eou- -efered-alternative-video-taiwans-future

Golden Shun Translation