The rhythm of the reconstruction of international order has recently accelerated. The US hegemony has been challenged, and China's dominance has increased sharply.A world image with eastward rise and fall clearly appeared in the world.On the world stage, China plays the main director of the director, and has multiple story lines in series. The world's script has accelerated the deconstruction and rewriting.

French President Macron's visit to China reflects the strategic autonomy of European countries to break the United States; the global "USD -dollar actions have settled in the US and US dollars.The idea of dividing the oil and the United States has been demolished; Brazilian President Lula visited China to increase the processes in the southern world's large and beautiful relatives; the construction of the Belt and Road in China has been fine -tuned after 10 years;The lower secrets fold.The world's body is tilting towards China, but can the overall strength of China and the quality of civilization be taken by the United States?

The era of uniqueness in the United States has gradually passed. More and more other characters in the world are showing themselves, making sounds, so that the world is dizzy, and leaders of all countries must catch up with the new situation.As Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong said in an interview with the Chinese media a few days ago, we could not take a vacation after the epidemic, we must come back. The new semester began, and we have to "solve new problems."

The new problem is born because of the changes in the world of the post -epidemic era, mainly a new bureau derived from the US -China hegemony.The general trend is: the single -leading trend is multi -pole, the zero -sum game is not accepted, peace and prosperity becomes the main axis, independent development is the trend, and the people are practical to make diplomacy.The main driving force of the direction change.

The single -pole system with the United States as the core is becoming increasingly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly, and the diversified world order should be at its attempts.In recent years, the United States has made great combinations to maintain the status of hegemonic rights. The most conspicuous is provoking the flow of China, combined with Eurasia, and the decoupling of the technology and industrial chain in China.Russia's invasion of Ukraine was strongly confronted by the United States, and Europe was severely damaged, and the dawn of peaceful negotiations still did not show.The US dollar hegemony has been abused for a long time, and the endless money printing has made tears in the world, and the US dollar weapon has harmed its credit.The United States is arbitrarily actions in the Middle East, causing chaos, and it is fresh in southern countries.

The United States is still the main stability of the world, but more and more countries feel that interests are damaged by the United States, and it is becoming more and more unbearable to its domineering style. After the rise, China has taken the opportunity to actively promote the world order of world order.Construction.

China, which resisted the US hegemony, has a recent shooting with France, which seeks strategic autonomy.Macron was highly courteous and returned at a full load.He could not contemid to the situation of "inevitably rising in the spiral" relationship with China's tension with China. He was convinced that France was still an American allies, but he said that "it is not a slave to vassal".He advised Europe not to be involved in the vortex of the Taiwan issue, and caused strong attacks in European countries, but seeking to take a strategic autonomous track and pull a certain distance from the United States, but explained the voices of many Europeans.His words and deeds will have a profound impact on the construction of a polar world.

But it must also be seen that most European countries and China have values in the gap, China's inferior human rights and tough policies to Taiwan are not allowed to develop close relationships with Russia, which has even caused doubts and disgusting.Therefore, China can only benefit Europe by Europe, and the strengthening of the relationship has no "righteousness" component, so it is difficult to become closely.

The consensus of the two countries and France, the consensus that jointly constructed a balanced diversified world, has previously clearly reflected in the Middle East.With the suppression of the United States to help the party, the mainland government politicians after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are active on the world stage to build a multi -polar world that does not stand in a team and non -camp -oriented.The long -dominated Middle East has achieved practical results.China's giant palm reached into the Middle East, the United States was defeated, and the trend of the United States and the United States was clear.China first promoted the reconciliation of Saudi Arabia and Iran's two rivals to build diplomatic relations, to set the cornerstone for the Middle East to stop war and laid the cornerstone, and to start the process of establishing a variety of close relationships with China such as Saudi Arabia.Like France, the Saudi State no longer regards itself as the "vassal" of the United States, but seek independence and become regional dominant forces.Zhongsha has signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement. The investment agreement covers the fields of green energy, information, cloud, transportation, and architecture. Integrating the close relationship between politics, diplomacy and economy, it is no longer that the United States can shake.

In the Ukrainian war that was caught in a deadlock, China also inserted a foot and put forward 12 claims to call for "resume direct dialogue as soon as possible" in order to "finally reach a comprehensive ceasefire."Western countries such as the United States mostly believe that it is a unilateral suggestion of Russia and holds more opposition.However, related countries have been fighting for a long time, and conspiracy is the general trend, and China can play an important role in promoting and promoting the role.The United States is still dominating the Russian and Ukraine War, but it is most likely that in the Middle East, it is not unable to extricate the mud, causing the flames in various places to continue, and it is long.How to terminate the Ukrainian war and prevent new military conflicts will cause severe challenges to the leadership of the United States and authority. The analysis of the current situation is obviously not good for the United States, which is conducive to China's intervention.

China needs to convince the world with civilization

The US hegemony has fallen into the world. In addition to improperness and military failure, it is mainly to alienate each other's economic and trade relations and become a serious break.In the Indo -Pacific region, the United States refused to apply for joining the Cross -Pacific Partnership Comprehensive Progress Agreement (CPTPP), and replaced by the Indo -Economic Archives (IPEF), which was regarded by many Southeast Asian countries as "pediatrics".Recently, the 10 countries of the Asianan have reached an agreement to reduce the dependence on the US dollar, the euro, and the yen, which is related to the weakening of the US economic and trade strength, and it has also helped to the global trend of going to the United States to the US dollar.

Brazilian President Lula's visit to China is related to this. He actively promotes the process of multi -polarization, and de -US dollarization is the core content.He has opened up a common currency with Argentina to bypass the US dollar; it has also reached an agreement with China to let a Brazilian branch under the Bank of China bypassed SWIFT and the US dollar.Clear.

The metaphysical measures of oil -producing oil countries in the Middle East and the promotion of the US dollar with China will also have a profound impact on the weakening of the US dollar hegemony.It is just that the renminbi has serious defects on key issues such as exchanges, storage value, transparency, and stability. Therefore, it is difficult to follow the internationalization process. It is a dream that wants to fight with the US dollar in the court.

The key to the dominance of the United States and China on the dominance of international order is that the strength of economic and trade strength is different.This is the general trend of the times. Although China has grown rapidly, soft power is still far from being recognized by developed countries, and the technique of operating international relations is also rude.

The United States has been holding the world for nearly a century. Nowadays, China has gradually reached its hegemony.China needs to persuade the world with civilization, fight for the world to recognize its values, and accept the great shape of the World Bureau.

The author is the former chairman of the Central News Agency

Taiwan senior media person