In the past weekend, Germany closed the last three nuclear power plants in the territory. Finland opened the largest nuclear reactor in Europe to form a sharp contrast. Human love and hatred for nuclear energy showed no reasons.Anti -nuclear and nuclear groups of the two countries continued their own words, accusing each other of irrationality.For a long time, the nuclear and anti -nuclear have always been in terms of science and morality and even political correctness.

During the former Prime Minister Merkel, Germany had a high anti -nuclear public opinion in the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in 2011 and decided to completely abolish nuclear energy power.Finland enabled this new nuclear power facility after four years.The different development paths adopted by nuclear power, and the reorganization of nuclear energy in other European countries, shows that in the geopolitical background of the Russian and Ukraine War, the considering energy of energy is no longer able to accelerate energy conservation because of worrying about climate warming.The consideration of reducing emission reduction even surpasses environmental protection for energy autonomy.The Seventh -way Group Environment Minister's Meeting held in Japan vowed to accelerate the elimination of fossil fuels and also made many new commitments to explain the general trend, but it could not mention the specific suspension period.

Europe is the most widely used area of nuclear energy. With the popularization of energy conservation and emission reduction, the research and development and use of various renewable energy sources has been continuously implemented.In Germany, 40%of the energy is produced in renewable energy today, including solar energy, wind, geothermal, hydraulic, biofuels, etc. nuclear energy accounts for only 6%. It is officially expected that by 2030 or even earlier, 80%of German energy can come from renewable energy.However, last week's polls showed that 59%of the respondents did not agree to completely close the nuclear power plant, and another poll also showed that more than 60%of the respondents were in favor of temporarily retaining those three nuclear power plants as spare, including some of the original anti -nuclear nuclear that were originally anti -nuclear.The main reason is that they are more worried about the future energy supply and price issues in the future when the Russian and Ukraine War continues.At the moment when Germany really entered the nuclear -free homeland, the sound of the issues such as science and technology, finance, and laws was required to be highlighted. Instead, the long -term anti -nuclear power of the Green Party would inevitably face the blame when the power shortage was in the future.

On the other side, the Finnish government has already explicitly expressed its statement to allow nuclear power as the cornerstone of the national energy policy. The main consideration is to meet the long -term carbon neutral goals and energy security.Can be available for 40%of energy required nationwide.

The value of the Russia and Ukraine made the value of nuclear power particularly highlighted. The reason is that nuclear power has grown the longest, the most mature technology, and the most stable power supply. The reason for the opponent is that it may become the target of attack, and the risk is too great.However, Germany had chosen abandoned before the war, and even if other clean energy such as solar energy had unstable concerns, it was difficult for policies to turn in the context of political correctness.

The World Economic Forum data shows that the United States, France, China, Russia, and South Korea are five countries with the most nuclear power use. It predicts that even if a few countries such as Germany are completely abolished, in the long run, nuclear power will re -emerge.As an important part of the fossil fuel, with various clean energy sources, hundreds of nuclear reactors in Asia are currently under planning.

As the international nuclear power technology continues to improve, the volume of nuclear power plants is getting smaller and smaller, and the safety factor has continued to increase. The global anti -nuclear movement that emerged from the 1970s should give this as a civilian energy option and give more prudent views to more prudent views.EssenceThe biggest risk of nuclear power comes from man -made operation errors and the treatment of nuclear waste.

Under the general trend of emission reduction and environmental protection, the importance of nuclear power and how to use it safely may be a subject that more and more countries cannot escape.Although the economic development is prosperous in Southeast Asia, although there is a large amount of fossil fuel, it is likely to face the choice in the short time between the political correctness of the economy and the environmental protection.Southeast Asian countries need to pay more attention to the development trend of international gas, hydrogen energy, and nuclear energy internationally, resort to rationality, consolidate the consensus of the whole people as soon as possible, and avoid the choice of energy like many countries into political chips. Scientific and economic issues will be reduced to politicsTags, tear society.