What is the idea of 10,000 tons?If 10,000 tons of garbage piles are accumulated on the streets and alleys, what will happen?This scene actually happened in the world's Huadu Paris last month. It is really hard to imagine.Not to mention the political factors behind it, this news highlights the three major problems in modern cities in the face of garbage: the production of garbage, the removal of garbage workers and the treatment of garbage.

According to statistics from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the amount of garbage generated by residents of large cities has increased day by day. The top countries such as Denmark, Switzerland, and the United States have an average of about 750 kg of garbage per person per year.After Singapore is not lost, it is also 490 kilograms together with industrial and commercial waste (about 75%).Look at the garbage recovery rate. On the surface, we are about 60%, nearly 70%of Denmark, and 80%in San Francisco, but these numbers are other than the world.

Of course, we must pay attention to the problem of warming the global destruction, and we must also work hard to protect the earth.However, these claims seem to be a bit high -profile for the general public, so for many years, it has worked hard to educate to reduce garbage and improve garbage recovery.The sea level rises by one meter, and the real horses and high garbage landfills will be bursting. For many people, it is a matter of future and distant things.

But then, the current garbage recovery is indeed troublesome and inefficient.The successful recovery of garbage depends on the three most basic steps: collection, classification and cleaning.It is not very convenient and simple to classify garbage correctly, washing, and recovery properly.Besides, according to Germany's data, although their recovery rate is nearly 70%, less than 20%can really reuse the regeneration cycle. Others are because of "miscellaneous pollution" in the process and eventually incinerated and destroyed.This indicator is meaningless.

Singapore does not have a large -scale consumer market, the cost of recycling is high, and the awareness of recycling of the people is not yet mature.The block is long.

It seems that to effectively promote the environmental protection concept of garbage treatment and recycling, we must first enhance the sense of crisis of Chinese people.Chinese people should know that if the real horse is full, you must find a new place to build a landfill.In addition to the cost of construction, it will also reduce the space for Chinese housing, leisure and economic activities.In a more direct way, it is to levy "junk tax" and national bond loans to plan for future life.The garbage tax will be a popular tax that affects the whole people. It should be paid directly by the consumer group, because garbage is caused by consumption.This is the "penalty" part of the future garbage. I believe that in a highly capitalized society, with the immediate measures and penalties of money, it will definitely effectively change people's habits.

We want to continue education and encourage Chinese people to recover garbage.Reading the statistical report of the Environment in 2021, the recovery rate is 39%of paper, 19%of food, 13%of glass, 6%of plastic, and 4%of textiles.We are located in the tropical and have no land and no agriculture. It is difficult for us to turn the waste and food into compost, but if the recycling of house garbage is done well, it will be incredible.Therefore, in addition to simplifying the classification of garbage, it is also necessary to reward the national efforts in this area.

To change the habit of people consumer plastics, high taxes can also be levied on plastic supplies.This indirectly encourages consumers to reuse and let everyone understand that for the convenience of greed, it is necessary to pay the price for the environment.

Finally, officials should be more actively participating in the research and development of waste incineration and treatment.There are currently some new technologies such as Plasma Arc gasification.It is reported that it can not only reduce the ashes left after burning, but also generate electricity in the process; maybe there are other technologies that are still in the test stage, which can be improved and solve our national conditions.

Garbage treatment is a worldwide and difficult solution, and it is also a major challenge for Singapore's future survival.Fortunately, we still have some time and resources to explore solutions.Through the national awards, punishment and penalties, levying garbage taxes, and deepening scientific research on garbage treatment, maybe the next generation can have a little more time and space on the problem of garbage.

The author is an electronic engineer