From the beginning of this year, because President Macron and Prime Minister Borne planned to implement a series of pension reform plans, fierce protests broke out across France, opposing various reform plans including delayed retirement age.For several months, millions of people have participated in the protests and caused a series of violence, which has not yet settled.

There are divergent public opinion on this round of protests in France.Some people believe that this reflects the flood of populist politics and the worries of welfare countries; some people praise the French people's spirit of resistance.On the Internet of China, some people call France as "the old revolutionary district (meaning the birthplace of the left -wing fighting movement)", which is quite praised.Of course, there are also Chinese netizens ridiculed, thinking that the French people are greedy and the protesters disturb the country and destroy tranquility.

The author has some compromise, but the principle of the golden mean.

First of all, the French people have citizenship rights such as strikes, strikes, and demonstrations.Therefore, they have the right to oppose opinions on pension reforms and take their positions and demands on the street.Their voice needs to be listened; the French government should also make necessary amendments to the reform based on public opinion, and cannot be lonely.

However, there is another side.France is one of the countries with the highest level of national and social welfare in the world. The nationals "from cradle to grave" have excellent guarantees.The source of funds for these social security is of course the taxes created and paid by taxpayers.High benefits also mean that high taxes and huge fiscal expenditures are a great burden on the people and the country.

With the intensification of French aging, economic growth has gradually become weak, more and more people receive pensions, and pension expenditures have risen.But the financial conditions that support the pension system are increasingly weak.Many French leaders before Macron have launched some pension reform plans, but all have limited effects.This makes the problem that France's pension is not available cannot bring fundamental changes. If it is delayed, it will be more cracking down on France's economy and finance, and the social welfare system will be unsustainable.

Under such circumstances, Macron proposed a pension reform plan and reached an agreement with the cabinet led by Prime Minister Borne, and also obtained the majority of Congress.Faced with the wave of protests for a few months, Macron agreed to listen to public opinion and carried out the national debate, and refused to make concessions to the reform plan, which is also an obvious objective reality based on pension reform.

However, most French people are obviously unwilling to accept reform.According to polls, 68%of the respondents opposed pension reforms, supporting only 32%.In recent months, the flames of flames have also explained that many French people have strong opposition.Even if the demonstrations of these months have caused great damage to French economic development and social stability, the protesters did not show signs of dysfunction.

The author believes that this indicates that while some French people have strongly defended their rights and pursuing their income, they do not have a sense of public responsibility, nor the consciousness of being a national citizen.Perspective.

Of course, rights are sacred, freedom is valuable. The French people have the right to demonstrate and safeguard their rights.However, this also requires them to fulfill citizen's obligations and assume social responsibility.In the face of the state's fiscal crisis and welfare crisis, the French citizens who enjoy various rights and benefits also have obligations to cooperate and participate in national reforms, and bear the necessary costs.

The equivalent of rights and obligations, both from the level of abstract philosophy and the exchange of realistic interests, are necessary and necessary.In the international song lyrics, "there is no right to have no obligation, nor does it have no right to obeys". Many people only remember the latter sentence, but ignored the previous sentence.

For the French and French people, the pension reform is necessary and favorable in the long run.Facing the worsening fiscal and stretched welfare expenditures, only vigorous reforms, including some means that leading the people's pain but necessary (such as appropriate delayed retirement age) can France be unable to go bankrupt in fiscal, and the social welfare system can continue to work.

Another very important but neglected, that is, French citizens have enjoyed excellent social security (including various benefits as the elderly). Pension reform is only under the premise of maintaining high welfare and low work time.There is a slight reduction in the old protection and delaying retirement age slightly.French citizens affected by reform still have high welfare guarantees, and the loss of losses is still lighter.

For more than 200 years since the French Revolution, the French people have established a Republic of Liberty and Democracy with fearless courage and firm actions, pioneering universal civil rights, and realizing extensive social justice.The author sincerely admires these; but the author also wants to remind the French people that in many specific, professional, long -term and global issues, they still need to recognize reality and be more responsible and good at compromise.

As the name of "Concord Square" in Paris, France means, the revolution also has compromises. It is shameful to be subjects and slaves, but it is not advisable to overlook the constitution and destroy the order of the Republic.Today's France has real universal elections, extensive civil rights, full freedom of speech, and freedom of demonstrations. The rights have all kinds of legal channels and peaceful ways.Although the French people inherit the passion and courage of their predecessors, it is worthy of admiration, but it is also necessary to respect the laws and order of the Republic of Freedom and Equality Creation created by the pioneers, make contributions to matching with rights, accept reasonable reforms, and pay the necessary sacrifice.Only by finance and national welfare can be virtuous, and generations of generations and new people can enjoy long -lasting and stable social security.

The author is a writer in Germany