Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou worshiped his ancestors in his hometown of Hunan yesterday, and the current leader arrived in New York, USA to visit Guatemala, Central America. The two ran each other, but coincidentally set to return to Taiwan on the same day on Friday (7th).Ma and Cai Xingcheng seem to be irrelevant, but they are described as "recognizing the ancestors (the Lord) to return to the ancestors".Some public opinion believes that the trip of the two represents the two lines of Taiwan's political, which is a farewell to each other;"Battle cover" for Cai Wenmei.In fact, removed the theory of conspiracy, and the "Hemei" of Horse's "He Lu" and Cai's "pro -beauty" did show different orientations. At this time, the horse landed, and it really had the role of "hedging" Cai Wenmei, which helped alleviate the tensions on both sides of the strait.Even avoiding the conflict between China and the United States.

Ma Cai's strokes are low -key

Treatment evaluation is different

This time, Ma Ying -jeou, 73, set foot in mainland China for the first time. He is also the first former president of Taiwan. When he set off on Monday, he lamented that he was responsible for handling cross -strait affairs when he was 37 years old.Opportunity to visit the mainland.His trip was mainly to return to his hometown Hunan to worship his ancestors, and he took 30 Taiwan students to communicate with him.When he worshiped Nanjing Zhongshan Mausoleum, he wrote the title "Struggle peacefully, revitalize China", and visited the Memorial Hall of the Nanjing Massacre. He emphasized that all Chinese people should be self -reliance and will not be bullied.When Wuhan met with Song Tao, the director of the Central Taiwan Office of the Mainland Government, he said that the two sides of the strait belonged to the Chinese nation as the descendants of Yanhuang, and also mentioned that with the "1992 Consensus", the cross -strait can be held on the two sides of the strait.In 2015, he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Singapore and "jointly establishes a historical model of difficult problems to deal with difficult problems."

The mainland's visit to the horse at the beginning is low -key. Xinhua News Agency reported that in his news, he only called him "the former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang", but as the follow -up itinerary was unfolded, wherever he went, the Supreme Provincial Party Committee of the Supreme Provincial Party Committee was where he went.The secretary set up a banquet, and Song Tao praised him during the meeting to promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations and achieve historic meetings on cross -strait leaders.After the two people met, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council immediately announced that since yesterday, the requirements for the 48 -hour kernel testing of cross -strait routes were deemed to be "souvenirs" for horses.

Tsai Ing -wen's so -called "Democratic Partner Journey to the Gong" last Wednesday is nominally visiting the only two diplomatic relations between China and America Guatemala and Belize.Los Angeles.As she was expected to meet the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy at the return journey, or once again impacted cross -strait and even Sino -US relations, the United States and the United States were highly nervous about her trip.Not only did Green Camp's originally expected visit to the capital Washington's "breakthrough" failed, the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington, in Washington, was moved by the awards ceremony and speech on her.Pompeo, the Secretary of State of the Trump era, who was the chairman of the Consulting Committee, unexpectedly avoided the attendance and was described as the lowest -key one of the 7 times in the United States as Tsai Ing -wen.

This low -key is related to the subtle relationship between Sino -US relations. Since the balloon storm, the United States is eager to recover to talk to China, but Beijing has been indifferent.At this time, Tsai Ing -wen passed the United States. The Bayeng government could not refuse, but he was afraid of rampant branches.Before Cai Qi, Su Liwen, the White House Guoan consultant, secretly talked secretly with Wang Yi, director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office of the Mainland Government, and was accused of communicating in advance in advance.The United States has repeatedly reiterated that Tsai Ing -wen is transit rather than visiting the United States. It is a private non -official nature and is in line with many years of convention and the non -official relationship between the United States and Taiwan.Therefore, Tsai Ing -wen's low -key in New York is related to this, which once again proves that Taiwan is just the United States ’s chips and chess pieces for China.

The subtle stage of Sino -US relations

Two routes positive and negative hedge

Relatively speaking, China ’s reaction to Cai’ s transit in the United States this time is stronger than in the past. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman refute the convention of the United States for many years, pointing out that “the past mistakes cannot be separated for today’ s mistakes, and the overlapping of errors can not provide any legal".A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council warned that if Tsai Ing -wen contacted McCarthy, "measures will be taken back resolutely."Due to the Sino -U.S. Games and the US domestic party, Cai Huicheng kept silent in Los Angeles whether to meet McCarthy.

There are different interpretations of Ma Cai's gaming. There is an analysis on the island that Cai is determined by the login itinerary of Ma to determine the visit to the United States. It does not rule out that the two of the Ma Cai have tacit understanding.Some netizens also implemented the policy of "three no" (not unified, unique, not martial arts) in the mainland in the mainland.Cai Huimei "covering cover", "female hero ignition, male Ying fire out", the two were divided into combination.However, from the objective effect, Malaysia's trip released information on the same roots of the same roots on the world, including historical identity and identity, and advocated the basis of cross -strait return to the "1992 Consensus".The stable development is positive forces; and the "leaning beauty for independence" by Cai Yingwen's visit, and even the fallacy of "the more secure the world is, the more secure the world, the safer" is a provocative destruction of the situation in the Taiwan Strait and the safety of the region.From this point of view, Madden landing is a "hedge" of Cai Wenmei, which allows the international community to recognize that Taiwan is not only this kind of voice represented by Tsai Ing -wen.At the same time, it helps to reduce the impact of Cai Wenmei's political and public opinion, which is undoubtedly what China and the United States are happy at this stage.

Madden landing and Cai Wenmei, representing Taiwan's "He Lu" and "pro -beauty" routes. When China and the United States have good relations, the two routes may have a reconciliation space.Choose to fuck me or be someone else, which one is Kangzhuang Avenue, and the people of Taiwan should know it.