Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

The problem of egg shortage that has been boiling for two years has not seen signs of immediately resolved; the stores that cooperate with the government to sell imported eggs, the eggs are immediately snapped up and they have been snapped up.Continue to suppress the inexplicable disappearance of eggs "Little Fortunately".There is already a "urban chicken farming class" course in Zhonghe District, New Taipei City."Eating" is advertised, and the warm response to the people in Limin is full, which reflects the government's strange social strange phenomenon.

If this is a new phenomenon, it may be said to be "original."However, the supply and demand problem that can be solved by a market mechanism consumes two years in vain, not only failed to eliminate problems, but the problem has become more and more intense. In the end, it still needs to be imported by a lot of imports. It can only be said that the administrative efficiency is low.The various reasons claimed by the Agricultural Committee include avian influenza, rising costs caused by war, and climate change. Other countries must also face it, but there are still many countries in the country and limited price fluctuations.Only the long queues can buy limited eggs at an outrageous high price, which means that Taiwan's egg industry is much worse than other countries.

This newspaper recently pointed out in the social editorial that if the government continues to interfere with the price of eggs and does not allow the market mechanism to play their functions, it will make the problem unable to solve and lengthen the people's pain time.In fact, in addition to the agricultural committee's disrespect for the market mechanism, the mastery of the problem is also the extent of the lack of eggs on the market, repeatedly underestimated;The import and price of the country have not been grasped; the number of imports to be imported has also been repeatedly misjudged and must be increased in large quantities.These errors have made the people see that the agricultural political unit does not understand the problems and underestimates the problem. It only wants to dilute the problem. It has also made "queuing to buy eggs" to become the "most beautiful scenery" in Taiwan.

Since two years ago, Taiwan's lack of eggs is already a problem.The Agricultural Committee was dragged until September last year, and finally established a "egg production and sales information platform", hoping to show the production status of eggs in real time.At that time, the industry had publicly questioned its limited effect. Due to the number of bird flu to the number of eggs in Taiwan, the "darts" egg farmers were afraid of being killed in large quantities and did not report the truth. The data could not be accurate.Egg farmers believe that the government's more important task is to assist in supplementing chickens; but obviously that the Agricultural Committee has not paid attention to it, which has led to the development of the industry afterwards to confirm the opinions of the industry.Taiwan is the key producer of the global information industry. The resources of the Agricultural Committee can be solved with "sprinkle money". Today, even the basic egg production and sales information cannot be grasped. It can only be said that the government's efficiency is not good.Essence

Taiwan thinks that the industry is advanced, but there are more than 90 % of the traditional chicken houses in about 1,600 chicken farms in Taiwan.Over the years.This also affects the efficiency of egg production: Taiwanese eggs have an average of 190 eggs per year, far lower than 305 in Japan.The agricultural technology is so backward, but the Agricultural Committee does not list the modernization of the chicken farm as an important part of the "forward -looking plan". There is no significant work when the lack of eggs two years ago.Isn't it administrative lazy to subsidize egg farmers?

A water separated by Taiwan and mainland China. As a small economy, it is relatively easy and low -cost to deal with production and sales disorders. This is also the "relative advantage" of small economies.However, the government was vaccinated on the other side of the egg hen, and was worried that the virus would be hidden "possibly" and brought it into Taiwan. It did not import its eggs.At the same time, we imported the United States with safe and risky Lai pigs, Lai Niu and Japanese nuclear food.

Whether it is the long -term policy of the modernization and efficiency of the chicken farm, or the short -term information grasp of the production and sales information, the international market and the price market, the Agricultural Committee has obviously missed their duties.The Tsai government came along all the way and tossed all kinds of farmers and consumers, but Chen Jizhong, chairman of the Agricultural Committee, did not have to be responsible. It can also be described as "Taiwan Miracle."