Ye Shengzhou

Kim Jong -un, the top leader of North Korea, has frequently brought his daughter to government affairs activities in the past four months. The official media reported eight times, of which seven of them involved the army.In order: Test Mars-17 Intercontinental Missile on Friday, November 18 last year; took a group photo with the successful people who successfully tested the Mars-17 on Sunday, November 27; KCTV reported on Sunday, January 1 this yearTime is unknown); Tuesday, February 7th, visited the People's Army general dormitory and attended the 75th anniversary banquet of the founding army of the People's Army; attended the 75th anniversary military parade on Wednesday, February 8; Watch the cabinet and national defense on Friday, February 17Provincial staff's sports competition; On Saturday, February 25, attended the foundation ceremony of the new -style street in Xipu area in Pyongyang.On Thursday, March 9 inspected the Foreign Artillery Forces of the West of the People's Army and observed the training of new tactical nuclear missiles.

Kim Jong -un's behavior obviously violates the law

The true name and age of this child is still a mystery, and North Korean officials and official media have never confirmed.At present, when the source from the US retirement basketball star Rodman visited the DPRK in 2013, "Ju Ae, who was born with Kim Jong -unba", was speculated that he was about 10 years old or 11 years old."Or" Golden Bead Love ".

Whether it is a good or bad person, whether it is power or civilians, parents' instincts will protect the privacy of minor children. Generally, they do not show up to avoid prematurely involved in the adult world.Public media usually do not report to minor children, or report mosaics on their faces when reporting.

The existing precedent of many countries is the death or divorce of the first lady, and the adult daughter will make guest appearances.For example, after South Korean President Park Jung -hee's wife Lu Yingxiu died, her daughter Park Geun -hye once replaced her mother and made a guest appearance.

The minor and direct descendants of the Kim family in the North Korean family have long been a mysterious veil for a long time. Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong -un were publicly displayed when they were cultivated from the age of 25 as a successor.Kim Jong -un has frequently brought minor daughters to attend government activities, and is very high -profile and obviously violated, causing curiosity from governments, think tanks, and media to guess his motivation.

Zheng Xiangchang, director of the Institute of United Strategy of the Sekong Research Institute of Korea, analyzed that Kim Jurte Ai "will become Kim Jong Un's successor"; Liang Maojin, a professor at the Korean Institute of Research, believes that it is the information of the North Korean national defense forces to ensure the security of the next generation.In order to ensure the legitimacy of the "four generations of inheritance" (male succession), it is not believed that Kim Jaurel's love is the heir of Kim Jong -un; the South Korean Unified Minister Quan Ningshi believes that this is intendedsystem.

Discussing the successor is early

It is speculated that Kim Jong -un's real motivation is difficult, but his daughter frequently exposed her face. The implicit information can be used as the following analysis and judgment:

First, Kim Jong -un's child did not go abroad for education.Kim Jong Il had sent Kim Jong -un and the younger sister Kim to receive aristocratic education in Switzerland. After the thought of Kim Jong -nam, the elder brother of the same father, Kim Jong -un was recalled and ended abroad to study abroad in advance.Due to the illegal and forced nuclear support of North Korea, relations with the United States and the West are extremely nervous, and the overlapping crown epidemic is outbreak in the world. Kim Jong -un did not send his children to study abroad.

Check the seven accurate dates of Kim Jong -un's daughter (January 1, 2023 is the KCTV report time). Five of which are not on weekends, it seems that she may not be educated in full -time schools as ordinary children. It is more likely to be more likelyCustomized private education.

Second, the role of the first lady of Li Xue faded.North Korea is still the dictatorship of the previous modern "imperial power", and women's status in the center of power is optional.Although Kim Jong Il's sister, Kim Jingji, served as a member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Central Secretary, and the general of the People's Army, but did not have real power.Her husband Zhang Chengze was once a member of the Politburo and was ordered by Kim Jong -un. Sister Kim Jong -un, Kim Jong -un, and the alternate members of the Political Bureau twice, and surrendered from the first deputy minister of the Ministry of Publicity and Encounts to the deputy minister.Mrs. Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il had been behind the scenes for a long time, and rarely showed their faces.

One of the major changes after Kim Jong -un's administration is the publicization of the first lady. Li Xuezhu has frequently participated in the state -of -state activities, including many times with visiting China, and officially confirmed its Chinese translation.However, according to KCTV's military parade of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Army, many etiquette details strongly hinted that in order to highlight the status of her daughter, the role of the first lady was obviously diluted.

For example, Kim Jong -un has repeatedly reviewed the honor guards with his wife in the past, but only his daughter is with his daughter; after reviewing the guard of honor, Li Xuezhu deliberately lags behind her husband and daughter.In order to highlight her daughter during the inspection table, Li Xuezhu did not walk with her husband and daughter, but instead took another channel to review the table.In the second row of the review platform, the daughter was sitting in the middle of the center. The four central secretary of the Labor Party Zhao Yiyuan, Li Rihuan, Jin Cailong, and Quanxianzhe were like family members., The generals of the generals are all the daughters.When leaving the inspection table, Li Xuezhu lags behind her daughter.The Dharma Society's Introduction of the Dharma Society said that "Comrade Kim Jong -un arrived with the respectful daughter and Ms. Li Xuezhu to the square", and put her daughter in front of her mother.

Third, it is too early to discuss Kim Jong -un's successor.In order to highlight the purity of "Baitou Mountain Blood", the name of North Korea's step -by is deliberately named with a word with his father, not a taboo.For example, the word "Japanese" from Kim Jong Il comes from Kim Richeng; the word "Zheng" of Kim Jong -nam, Kim Jong -un, and Kim and Zheng comes from Kim Jong Il.If this traditional strike, then Kim Jong -un's direct descendants, especially male successors, should be officially confirmed by North Korea, the Chinese name should contain a "grace".

Now North Korea's official name has not been announced to the daughter's name, and it is too early to talk about successors."Baitou Mountain Blood" is a patriarchal inheritance. It is difficult for North Korea to accept women as the highest leader.When the Dharma Society reported on March 10, when Kim Jong -un inspected the People's Army's western front -line artillery forces the day before, he no longer mentioned the "noble daughter" of his peers.The figure reduced the propaganda daughter's door.Kim Jong -un suddenly pushed his daughter to the front desk, and seemed to deliberately consolidate the hereditary "family world" instead of turning in the "party world".Jin and Zheng were loved by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il when they were young, which did not mean that she had the opportunity to replace her brother -in -law.

Whether Kim Jong -un's health worsen is yet to be observed

The premature exposure of the minor daughter is also unexpectedly lethal.It is very similar to Kim Jong -un's face, which is obviously excessive nutrition, and is generally in sharp contrast to the general thinning of Korean military and civilians.The North Korean people are undergoing the food crisis. Many people are not full. However, at the 75th anniversary banquet of the founding of the army, the official media pictures and video display, the privileged class enjoys wine and dishes., I did not reflect the suffering with the people. I wonder if the Korean people have abdomen?At least the outside world is not good.

Kim Jong -un's greatest health hazard is excessive obesity.After governing, it quickly increased to gain weight for 50 or 60 pounds, because it deliberately imitated the grandfather's body shape and manner (such as wearing a hat, putting his hands into a coat when taking pictures), and consolidating the legitimacy of the regime and the world.After successor, the pressure is too strong, and overeating.His smoke addiction is very heavy. The missile test shooting scene and the Politburo meeting reported by the North Korean Society and KCTV all have his smoking or ash cylinder lens.

Kim Jong -un weighed up to 180 catties (about 90 kg), and his height was not more than 1.65 meters (former US Secretary of State Pompeo said in his memoir that Kim Jong -un and Trump wore height shoes during the Singapore head summit), BMIThe index was about 33. From May to June 2021, he lost weight for 2030 pounds, and he was still fat. He observed the weight and rebounded in the past six months.

He has high risk of family genetic obesity and cardiovascular disease. Excessive obese people usually risks such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, fatty liver, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, bone and arthrology, prostate disease, sleep respiratory suspension and other risksObviously higher.At the seventh plenary session of the eighth session, he wearing headphones with Zhao Yiyuan and others during the conversation of the podium. Some researchers believed that the military general did not attend "to adhere to the post" to prevent the United States and South Korea's military exercises.It is for "remote control to command a certain military operation or check the defense situation", and the author has objections to this analysis.

After Kim Jong -un supported the nuclear, the threat of active invasion from the United States was greatly reduced, and he would not worry about a pot; the time and place of the Central Plenary Session were open (fixed in the building of the Party Central Committee).Stretching, self -random, long enemy prestige.The reason why he suddenly worn his headphones is more likely to be a health problem, because hearing decline (whether it is temporary or long to continue to be observed), hearing aids are required to enlarge the sound.If he has a problem with his health, you can explain the motivation for minor children to appear.

Kim Jong -un is diligent, and things must be in person. He cares too much and too thin. The instructions are very specific, and the cost is excessive labor.He has realized this problem.The Eight Congress of the DAP revised the first secretary of the establishment of the party constitution, indicating the role of "the agent of the General Secretary of the Labor Party", which was elected by the entire meeting of the Central Committee.With a historical explanation, the first secretary is equivalent to the regent of the regent. It is mainly applicable to the emperor's young and unable to personally register.

At present, the role of the first secretary is Zhao Yiyuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo and organized by the Central Secretary Bureau. He has repeatedly replaced Kim Jong -un's preside over the Politburo meeting. Other members of the Politburo Standing Committee have not replaced the host.As the author analyzes at the time of the first plenary session of the Eighth Central Committee of Zhao Yiyuan, his role is equivalent to the supervisory party, supervisor, supervisor, and supervisor.For example, Kim Jong -un was unable to take care of his health because of health, Zhao Yiyuan is currently the best candidate for the lonely, solid rights, and protection of the country.

The author is a Chinese current affairs commentator

Kim Jong -un is diligent, and things must be in person. He cares too much and too thin. The instructions are very specific, and the cost is excessive labor.If he cannot be ignored by health, Zhao Yiyuan is currently the best candidate for lonely, solid rights, and protecting the country.