Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

After 5 days of talks, the two largest rivals in the Middle East Saudi Arabia and Iran's highest national security officials reached a restoration of diplomatic relations in Beijing the day before yesterday. Foreign ministers of the two countries meet as soon as possible.Restart the security cooperation agreement between the two countries and the economic and trade investment agreement.It is worth noting that the breakthrough progress of the bilateral relations of Shay is announced in the form of the "three -party statement" in the Shatai. Both Shati and China expressed their gratitude to the Chinese leading negotiations.Wang Yi, director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, said that this Shay reconciliation agreement is a victory of dialogue and peace, and "provides great good news for the current turbulent world."The success of China ’s success in Shati this time is a great victory of Chinese diplomacy. It once again shows the good image of China’ s responsible power. It has a milestone significance on the impact of the geopolitical structure of the Middle East and the world and the improvement of China's international influence.

As the representative country of the two major sects of Islamic and Shiites, Saudi Arabia has a long -term relationship with Iran.In 2016, Saudi Arabia died in the country's well -known Shiite priests, which caused dissatisfaction with Iran and Shiites Muslims.In 2019, Saudi Arabia has accused Iran who launched missiles and drone attacks on its oil facilities and attacked its tanker at the Persian Gulf, but Iran denied it.In recent years, Iran supports the anti -government Houthi Movement (Houthi Movement) has gradually occupied the upper hand in the Civil War of the Yemen. After the Saudi Arabia formed the coalition forces, the Hussean militia often launched missiles and drone attacks against Saudi countries. The war also affected the UAE last yearEssenceIn addition to the conflict between the Tibetan and the leading power of the Persian Gulf, the United States is also an important reason for the United States. The United States uses the Iranian nuclear issue to restrict it, and it has attracted to the Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia to block Iran.In the hotspots of the Middle East in Lebanese, Syria, Libya and other Middle East, there are backgrounds of Shay competing, and the contradiction between Shay is a major leverage in the United States and Israel's about the Middle East.

The complication of grievances between the two countries

The difficulty of mediation is comparable to Yi Ba

The contradictions of the Said have caused the two countries to be harmed. Iran has been hostile to the Gulf State for a long time and is more isolated under the US sanctions.In recent years, he has stepped on on the Palestinian issue. However, the United States is favored by the United States, which has deeply dissatisfied with the Bay Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia.Under the cooperation between Iraq and Oman, Shayi has negotiated many times, but has not made a breakthrough.After the last negotiation of Iraq last November last year, Saudi Arabia said that the era of dialogue with Iran had ended. When the trend of women's headscarfs happened in Iran in December last year, Tehran also accused Saudi Arabia support behind the scenes.

This shows that the grievances between Shay are complicated, and the difficulty of mediation is comparable to the conflict of the Ba.China ’s conflict between China’ s conflict has not been disclosed, but China ’s diplomacy in the Middle East has become active in recent years, but it is traceable.In December last year, President Xi Jinping visited Saudi Arabia and participated in the first China and Arabic National Summit, China and Gulf Cooperation Committee Summit. During this time, China -Arab Enterprise signed 34 investment agreements, worth nearly 30 billion US dollars.In February of this year, Iranian President Laish visited China by national affairs.Both Saudi countries support and participate in the "Belt and Road" initiative, and both intend to join the China -led Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS organizations.The precepts will be selected in Beijing.In his speech, representatives of the two countries thanked Xi Jinping for their initiative and congratulated him for re -election that day.

In the past, China ’s diplomatic activities in the Middle East mainly promoted economic and trade relations, and avoided the complex political conflicts in the district.There is no catch.This successful mediation conflict is related to the diplomatic layout in the Middle East Gulf area over the years, and it has a lot to do with the improvement of national diplomacy, economic and even military strength.The crown disease epidemic and the Russian and Ukraine War have transformed the world, and more and more developing countries realize that everything needs to develop the economy: big investment, infrastructure capabilities, low -cost products, tourists dare to consume and do not interfere in the internal affairs assistance to the assistance of internal affairs, China can provide it.China is not only a big buyer of oil and gas resources in the Middle East, but also the main participants of trade and infrastructure in the district. It also sells military reserve to many countries. It marks that China can provide economic development opportunities and political security guarantees.

Regarding China ’s successful mediation diplomatic actions, all parties responded positively. The Arab countries welcomed multiple welcomes, and the UN Secretary -General Gutres also thanked China for contributing; the United States expressed“ welcome ”and emphasized that Saudi Arabia notified the United States to the United StatesNegotiations; in recent months, geopolitics in the Middle East have changed signs, such as Syria, which rarely supported Iran in Saudi Arabia, extended the earthquake disaster relief.The new Saudi -Hussean militia ceasefire extension agreement is about to be signed, and it is expected that a comprehensive peace agreement may be signed.Israel's response is the most anxious. The opposition party claims that the reconciliation of Shati is a comprehensive failure of the government's efforts to establish the anti -Iranian alliance. For the Government of the Neitanahu, which is encountered by domestic judicial reforms, it is the night of house leaks.

Successful mediation demonstration cases

Future International Mediation Institute

However, "Being a matchmaker", although China is successful this time in China, there is still a variable in the future development of the relationship between the two countries.As the Foreign Minister Qin Gang said, China fully respects the status of the owners of the Middle East, and will not fill the so -called "vacuum", nor does it not be engaged in his small circle.Therefore, China must persuade and mediate, and should not be enlightened.In any case, after 12 o'clock in proposing to talk about peace talks about Russia, China, it has successfully promoted Shay Fujia, reflecting that China's international influence has increased significantly, and it also shows the world's ability to mediate international disputes.The preparatory international mediation institute has also established a vivid demonstration case.