Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Yu Muming

Some time ago, Cai Zhengyuan reproduced the American media people, saying that insiders inside the White House broke the news that Biden had blurted that there was a "destroying the Taiwan plan", and the degree of thriller was far more than the Ukrainian disaster from the new conservatives.It is true that how the real level of this news is to be verified, but from Taiwan's blue -green high -level reaction to the White House's "clarification", it has made us see the crisis of Taiwan.

This crisis is that when the people in Taiwan began to emerge in the emergence of "suspicion theory", the two major parties that really have the opportunity to governs in Taiwan are based on their own private interests to help the United States suppress the people's doubts.For the Democratic Progressive Party, no matter how fierce between Tsai Ing -wen and Lai Qingde, they hope that the United States will stir the situation in the Taiwan Strait and re -speculate on the "anti -China -China" drama to keep the "green regime" continued.Therefore, even if the epidemic is coming to an end, cross -strait relations are expected to recover, but under the needs of the Democratic Progressive Party election, it may still be covered with shadows, and even the fierce battle.

As for the Kuomintang, who had already led the public to question the United States and oppose the United States, who opposed the collusion between the United States, but because of the party chairman Zhu Lilun's "pro -American and anti -communist" policy, he also ended the situation of "fighting" with the DPP competition.Zhu Lilun constantly wanted to prove to the outside world that the Kuomintang was more trustworthy than the DPP. For this reason, he did not hesitate to be loyal to him, emphasizing that Biden's so -called "destroying Taiwan" must be a rumor, and it was more anxious to refute than the US government.

When these "political stars" who have the opportunity to come to power are busy please the United States. No wonder Wang Jianzheng, who has founded the new party with me in the past, will bluntly say that Taiwan will hold the American thighs like this, and it will be finished as soon as it is unexpected.In fact, no matter whether Biden really said the word "destroying Taiwan", it can be seen that the "destroying Taiwan" is of course the current formula with a series of recent intervention in Taiwan's politics.

First of all, as early as last year's nine -in -one election voting, the United States forced the DPP to risk the loss of tickets and extend the military service of Taiwan. This is just a superficial part.The so -called "extending military service" is matched with a set of "all people's soldiers" plans. It must not only strengthen the reserve mobilization, but also repair the preparation of the national defense mobilization.", That is, once the Taiwan Strait changes, the United States requires Taiwan to fight for alleys and street battles. To this end, it must catch enough cannon fodder to delay the Taiwan Strait war.

This kind of thinking that pushes the people as a human shield, Tsai Ing -wen has revealed at the press conference that announced the extension of military service, that is, imitating Ukraine's construction defense forces to wait for the "international" rescue enough.The subtext behind this kind of words is that the United States has identified Taiwan that it is impossible for Taiwan to "decide abroad." If you really meet the two sides of the strait, the PLA will inevitably break through Taiwan's coastal defense and air defense.The war did not have enough hinterland at all, and in the end, the war was just caused by the war.

It is terrible that the United States has continuously used Taiwan to provoke the red line of mainland China, but did not want to participate in the war at all.Its so -called "asymmetric combat" is that they do not support Taiwan to buy large military aircraft, warships or self -made submarines. They just make beautiful treasures as "hedgehog island" full of mines and help them consume mainland China.Moreover, for the U.S. politicians who are profitable, TSMC, which is so -called "protecting the country," has also been reduced to "Meiji Power", and Taiwan has become a pawn that can be sacrificed at any time.

Now that the U.S. military wants to set up the ammunition store in Taiwan, it shows that the American idea is not to keep Taiwan during the war at the Taiwan Strait, but to find a way to add firewood and fire, so that the two sides of the strait will fight more, hatred deeper, and more casualties.As some military professionals of the Democratic Progressive Party also pointed out that if the U.S. military does not formally participate in the war, the light release ammunition on the island may make Taiwan more dangerous.However, the United States is to be responsible for being a Maqian dwelling instead of dragging the U.S. military to conflict with the positive of mainland China. After all, there are still many common interests to be involved in China and the United States.

Now the United States will send officials directly to Taiwan's administrative and legislative agencies according to its national defense authorization bill.EssenceThe United States has changed the new chairman in the Taiwan Association, and also said that it will strengthen the relationship with the potential presidential candidates in Taiwan. It is said that when wearing it is to "strictly control Taiwan", and through the control of those who intend to sit on the big position, to ensure that Taiwan's folk is "suspicious beauty."It is difficult to become a climate.

At present, Taiwan is not controlled by the United States, and it is almost like a colony. The political stars on the countertops have catered to the United States for personal gain. With the intense operation of the United States to raise the Taiwan Strait.Intersection