Source: Wind Media

Author: Jiezhong

The outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War has exceeded one year. Ukraine has not been favored by the outside world, and even thinks that Kiev will lose its pessimistic expectations within 96 hours.Forced Russia to withdraw troops from Kenfu, northern and northeast of Ukraine, many of which are worthy of Taiwan to borrow mirrors.Although the Russian army was frustrated in the first stage of the offensive, in the process of fighting between the two sides, there were several places worthwhile to reference.

These can be used as the inspiration of the Taiwan military to engage in the land defense war on this island in Taiwan in the future, including: "intelligence advantages can form non -symmetrical military operational ability", "use non -military resources to obtain intelligence advantages", "use low use of low use"The rail satellite system ensures that information transmission "and" standing forces and tactics "are four aspects.

Intelligence advantages shaped asymmetric military action

On the battlefield of modern information, reconnaissance intelligence technical means are becoming increasingly advanced. Only by winning the advantages of intelligence can we provide sustainable, accurate and efficient intelligence guarantee for combat command and win.In other words, even if the power is relatively weak, if you can have an advantage in intelligence collection, processing and analysis, you can produce the effect of "overlooking" enemy operations through the situation of the battlefield and intelligence messages, forming asymmetric symmetry, forming asymmetryMilitary action capabilities, effectively resist the number of enemy forces with a strong number and firepower.

In the Russia and Ukraine War, it was found that the small stocks could resist the situation of the absolute advantage because of the intelligence advantage.For example, on the day of the start of the war on February 24, about 200 Russian airborne forces successfully seized Antonov International Airport, which was less than 40 kilometers away from Kiev;Isolation is besieged by two Ukrainian -class ground forces.

Nevertheless, this total number of small shares of the 1/15 of the offensive forces is not as good as an intelligence support from the Moscow National Defense Command Center., Get a real -time battlefield situation.In the case of intelligence advantages, this small Russian army can fight against passengers, sending the ambush team to arrange a trap or bait in front of the main position to crack down on the Ukrainian force with an absolute number of advantages.It supported for nearly 20 hours without failing until the support forces arrived.

In the future, the first wave of attack troops launched by mainland Chinese military against Taiwan is likely to be a modular attacker formed from the elite troops. In addition to the high level of personal combat skills, the degree of informationization of the control system alsoIt is far higher than the general troops; it is generally equipped with the "Single -Soldiers Command Information Terminal" to study this modular attack army, so that at least the first -line squad leader can accept the common image of the battlefield and directly call the fire support support through the command data link.; The more elite special units will not even be ruled out to be distributed to single soldiers.

At present, the advanced C4ISR system of the Taiwan military ground force is only distributed to the joint barracks, so that the degree of automation of the Taiwan military ground forces command and control system has lagged behind the general ground combat troops of the mainland military, and the Elite Force of the Mandarin Military ArmyThe gap is greater.

In other words, during the land defense operation of Taiwan's island in the future, when facing the first wave of attacks forces in the mainland military, the Taiwan military standing forces are in the future.The masterpiece and intelligence information mastery is lower than the modular attack troops that are lower than the mainland military, and cannot quickly defeat the opponent.

Use non -military resources to obtain intelligence advantages

When the Ukrainian ground forces fight against the Russian army, they quickly discovered that non -military resources can help collect Russian military information; and after processing and analysis, they can increase the mastery of the continuous flow of battlefields and let Ukraine let UkraineRegular and unconventional forces can be designed in real time.

For example, Ukraine once passed the traffic surveillance image network system along the road along the Highway, and even the image and positioning information uploaded by civilians and judged the scale and combat capabilities of the offensive Russian army.The Ukraine Digital Transformation Department developed before the war and named "DIIA". It also quickly transformed into war uses, including chat robots who uploaded the Russian army's action images, allowing the peopleThe film is sent to the Ukraine intelligence department, and the Ukrainian officials can receive tens of thousands of reports every day during the peak.

If the land defense war on the island of Taiwan, although the Taiwan military ground force is in the battlefield first, because the prefecture -troops have too little means to obtain emotional capital, it is too traditional, and it is less capable of from the non -military system.Among them, the systematic collection and handling of battlefield emotional compensation, which leads to the control of the battlefield dynamic situation, may not be as good as the first wave of attack forces of the mainland military that are more advanced in the C4ISR system and reconnaissance methods.

Use the low -orbit satellite system to ensure information transmission

In order to destroy Ukraine's network and digital communication, Russia was a few hours before the formal invasion, that is, the satellite network covered Ukraine with a hacker attack to benefit the Russian army's physical attack; then on March 1, last year,The 72nd information psychological war center of Kiev and the Ukraine of Kiev in the cruise missiles tried to cut off the Ukrainian government's channels for domestic and overseas information.

At this moment, the American Space Exploration Technology Corporation (Space X) requested the Ukrainian government. At the end of February, the "Starlink" network ground terminal was provided to Ukraine, and the high -speed network was also taken over Europe.The Ukrainian government can use the "Star Chain" network service system composed of small low -orbital satellites to maintain domestic network operations and digital communication.

Under the condition that Ukraine is severely damaged by the Russian army in traditional network communication pipelines in China, it has successfully reconstructed the connection between inside and outside through the low -orbit satellite system, and also provided stable and continuous network communication between the front -line troops and the command agency.The ability to effectively reduce the effect of the Russian army's impact on infrastructure such as Ukraine power and communication, and has also become an important means to convey tactical information.

There is no ground platform for low -oriented satellite systems in Ukraine. The user is adopting a "relay into the net" mode.The station completes the network access.The most important revelation of the Taiwan military engaged in land defense operations is: the important ground platforms of the Taiwan military and even the important ground platforms of the entire island of Taiwan.Based on Ukraine, we adopt the "relay into the net" mode. By connecting the satellite ground stations set in foreign -friendly areas, it is connected to the network to maintain the communication center's communication between internal and external combat troops.

Revelation of the Movement and Tactics of Standing forces

Although the Russian and Ukraine War broke out so far, Ukraine's land defense forces have received great attention from media from various countries; in fact, in the front and encirclement of each front, the main force of the main force to resist the core of resistance and supporting the defense system is still the common preparations of Ukraine.trip.In addition, the battle on the Ukrainian battlefield also brought the following inspiration for the Taiwan military standing forces that perform land defense operations in the future:

First, the contention of urban environment will definitely become a very important combat style, but the weapons and equipment prepared by regular forces in urban areas will be greatly limited.

Second, in order to meet the needs of urban operations, it is necessary to build a special equipment technology system in accordance with the development of the equipment system in accordance with the different elements such as land, sea, air, electronics and networks;Scenes, targeted upgrading of traditional weapons.

Third, when the residential troops have the advantage of the number of defense and firepower, they need to be more flexible tactics and combat marshals.For example, the Russian forces that raid Antonov Airport did not follow the traditional operations of Wu, Class, and Election during the defense;It is composed of a number of 16 people, which is divided into four groups: anti -armored, sniper, cloth/thunder, observation command.This group is actually more suitable for the fighting forces to fight in urban areas than traditional Wu, class, and arrangement.

Perhaps the most important revelation of the Taiwan military is: in the face of modern fast -paced, high -speed flowing forms, especially in the future of the first wave of attack troops of the mainland military, the command control system is highly informationized, and tactical operationsHighly "special warfare" and other characteristics; the Taiwan military ground forces not only command the informationization of the system, but also lack advanced and diverse battlefield reconnaissance methods, leading to excessively relying on superiors of combat command and intelligence.Not only is it difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing battlefield situation, but it is also easy to expose the command center to the firepower of the mainland military, just like the situation of many high -end units of the Russian commander of the Russian army.

The stones of other mountains can be wrong. It is expected that the Taiwan military can learn from the Russian and Ukraine War and early adjustment and improvement.