The Nobel Peace Prize was officially announced in 2020, and the winner was the World Food Program (WFP).When introducing the award at the Norwegian Nobel Committee, rarely called on the outside world to donate money, indicating that only donations can allow the organization to follow the operation and assist people of the war and poor to fight hunger.

Such a high -profile appeal seems to be secretly criticizing a US Trump administration, which has asked to stop donations and withdraw from the United Nations organizations.

The epidemic crisis spreads the United States, but the United States intends to retreat

The United States is an active participant of the United Nations Organization, and WFP is no exception.According to the WFP annual report, the total donation of the United States from 2020 to August was 2.36 billion US dollars, a decrease of US $ 3.37 billion in 2019, but it was still the highest amount of donations worldwide.WFP also issued a report from time to time, thanks to the United States for donating money to help people who have been in the water in the water.

No one knows when the Trump administration will feel that the donation amount is too large to reduce assistance.In May, Trump decided to withdraw from another important organization under the United Nations Mdash; MDash; World Health Organization.Although the premature treatment of the epidemic can be done better, the outbreak of the U.S. in the United States has erupted, and even the Trump dyeing not long ago, greater responsibility should be on Trump's resistance.

Does the Trump winning the prize?

The award -winning of the United Nations is the UN institution, not the US President Trump, and I don't know what the latter feels.He is not the first time he thinks he can win the Nobel Peace Prize.In 2018 and 2020, Norwegian nominated Trump twice.The reason is to ease the situation in the Korean Peninsula from 2018 to 2019, and the latest Arab countries in Israel and the UAE and Barin in 2020.

Indeed, these two are the most historic diplomatic achievements in Trump, but they are still far away from the goal.The US -DPRK's nuclear negotiations were in an impasse, and North Korea had stated that it was intended to return to the old route; the issue of Israel and Palestine has not been resolved, and the solutions raised by the United States were too criticized by the outside world.

Although it has been nominated, the Nobel Commission has not awarded the Peace Prize to Trump for normal, and further calling on international donations, it can be considered as protested to the Trump administration.Berit Reiss-Andersen, chairman of the committee, said in the award that the reason for the awards to the WFP during the new crown epidemic was that people who wanted to pay more than millions of people around the world were suffering from hunger and facing hunger:At all times, the world needs multilateralism.