
October 6, 2020

The U.S. President Trump is diagnosed with crown diseases, and will cast shock bombs and add uncertainty for the presidential election held next month, including how to perform the next election, and where the election will tend to.However, Trump's crown disease can also be said to be a matter sooner or later, because most of the time he does not wear a mask or abide by the safety social distance, he does not need to increase his risk.

In addition to Trump, there are many senators, members of Trump and members of the campaign team, and White House reporters. Many of them attended the nomination ceremony of the Supreme Court of Court on September 26 in the White House.The infection group in the White House may even be a super communication source, highlighting that the highest authority in the United States cannot do a good job of epidemic prevention.It can be seen from the US government's hasty and incompetent resistance and incompetence.

A few rounds of testing of Vice President Pence and Democratic candidates Biden are negative, but they cannot completely exclude the risk of infection. After all, there are many opportunities for Burns to contact Trump in close contact.Trump debated in the indoor environment for an hour and a half.Trump's healing and Biden will also impact the election.

Trump Gui is also a crown disease for the leaders of the world's most powerful countries, indicating that the coronary virus does not distinguish between skin color, income, religious beliefs and power.However, Trump will also obtain the highest quality medical resources in the United States, which is unmatched by ordinary Americans.

The impact of crown disease on Trump is still difficult to say at present. After all, he is 74 years old, and his physical quality index has reached obesity, which is a high -risk group of crown disease.Before British Prime Minister Johnson's infection was seriously ill, and Johnson was 18 years younger than Trump.However, the continuous spread of crown diseases will reduce the fatality and improve the contagiousness, so Trump's condition may not be so serious; coupled with his best medical care in the United States, he should be able to recover safely.It has been said that he may be discharged from the White House on October 5th at the last October 5 of the United States time.

Trump's crown disease was a double -edged sword.He is best at making momentum in large rals, and may be forced to reduce or cancel such activities.Trump did not have self -isolation or announcement after the assistant Hicks was diagnosed. Instead, he continued to participate in public activities and had criticized him to be irresponsible in the face of the party inside and outside the party.His disdain on the threat of the crown disease eventually led to his infection, and then he would also become an opponent to attack his bullet.

However, infection may also be a tool for Trump to reverse the election.Since the outbreak of American outbreaks, he has not paid attention to it, and he also diluted the threat of the epidemic.Now, if he does not have severe symptoms and heals after obtaining the best medical care in the country, in the second presidential candidate debate on October 15thI have told you a long time that this is not a big deal. The situation may be higher than Biden.Trump should be incompetent against the epidemic, causing more than 2.1 million Americans to die and infected themselves. If they can eventually claim to be a fearless disease -resistant hero, this will make the crown disease epidemic the most absurd and suspenseful incident in the United States election.

On the other hand, Trump has a variety of conspiracy theories after diagnosis, or refers to his fake illness sympathy, evading the next debate, or rumor that he is critical.The appearance of conspiracy theories is not surprising. Studies at Cornell University in the United States pointed out that Trump is the largest initiator of crown diseases and false information.The emergence of conspiracy theories also shows that the American people have no trust in Trump and the system; coupled with the Trump medical team and the White House's statement of his condition, it has enhanced people's sense of unusual sense of unusual.

In addition, the loss of credibility of mainstream media also allows conspiracy theories for space.Since Trump took office, the parties and divisions of all walks of life in the United States have become more and more obvious. Among them, mainstream media have opposed Trump. Nowadays, even at every time, it has reached almost hysteria.After Trump's diagnosis, there were various speculations in the mainstream media, and even cursed him to die, withdrawing from the election.Whether it is the people's distrust of the system or the blind counter -Trump syndrome suffered from the media, it will be very unhealthy to the United States politics and society in the long run.

The current poll results show that Trump's infection has not earned sympathy for him. The difference between his support rate with Biden is about 10 percentage points.However, experience in the past few years tells us that public opinion surveys have been difficult to accurate; in the 2016 election, Democratic candidate Hillary's support rate once led Trump more than 10 percentage points.Therefore, it is not possible to underestimate Trump's ability to come back for a month, and the possibility of reappearing black swan still exists.