Peng Nian

70 years ago, with the birth of New China and the retreat of the United States, the United States has set off a discussion of who has lost China.70 years later, in the face of precarious US -China relations, the United States should regain this discussion, and then ask who is throwing off China?Essence

Since Trump came to power, US -China relations have fallen down and crisis.At this critical moment, the United States closed the door to China, advocated decoupled with China, and threatened to resist China.Recently, the iron curtain of US Secretary of State Pompeo officially announced the end of the contact policy for China, and at the same time opened the prelude to China.

However, is the US contact policy in the United States really defeated?Is it necessary for the United States to adhere to the policy of contacting China?Can the tough anti -China policy be effective?These issues are worth thinking about in the United States.

There is no doubt that the US -China contact policy of the United States has contributed to the thawing and prosperity of US -China relations, and contributed to the ultimate victory of the United States to win the US -Soviet power.After the Cold War, the United States successfully opened the country of China through contact with China, promoted China's reform and opening up, and promoted the integration of China and the world.

Against this background, the American commodity, investment, personnel, and culture poured into China, and it set off a wave of westernization in China.The United States is also a vital global issue such as counter -terrorism, North Korea, Iran nuclear, and climate change, which has received support and cooperation from China.All these shows the fruitful results of the contact policy, which also reflects the need for the United States to continue to adhere to the policy of contact with China.

Unfortunately, today's Trump administration not only turned a blind eye to this, but infinitely exaggerated the negative effect of contact policies in an attempt to make excuses for its tough anti -China policy.This is also the most important reason for the current US malicious attacks on China.If the United States hopes to build a democratic China in the minds of American or American in the minds of the United States through contact with China, its contact policy will be defeated.

After all, the United States' contact policies in other countries in the world have not shaped a perfect American democratic country.Myanmar led by Wengshan Shuzhi is the best example.Therefore, it is the Trump administration's wrong positioning and one -sided understanding of the contact policy that has contributed to the end of the contact policy.But this does not mean the real failure of the contact policy.

Take a step back. If Trump's policy of contact with China has failed, will the confrontation policy be successful?70 years ago, after losing China, the United States rose to meet with Chinese soldiers at the Korean battlefield.The United States' hostile policy to China has only paid a heavy price, and the birth of contact policies will be ushered in.We don't know if history will repeat it.But historical experience has proved that simple and rude response methods are often counterproductive.

The hostile and confrontation of the United States often create a stronger and more hostile China, and pose a serious threat to the national interests of the United States.As Harvard professor Fu Gaoyi recently published a comment article on the Washington Post, the US policy is pushing our friends in China to anti -American nationalism.The rigid for the United States, the higher the Chinese anti -American mood, the greater the threat to the United States.If the two parties do not take effective measures to control it, the two parties will eventually usher in the rebirth of the contact policy at a high cost.

In fact, the disadvantages of the United States' confrontation with China have become increasingly prominent.In the field of economy and trade, the trade war not only achieved a series of economic and political goals such as the US -China trade deficit, the return of the US manufacturing backflow, the rising employment rate of the United States, and the rise in Trump's support rate, but suffered a lot of losses.In the political field, there is no bottom line or on the occasion of diplomatic wars, not only does it have no winning or defeat, but it will damage the image of the world's world leader and seriously weaken the global soft power of the United States.

The suppression of the United States on the Hong Kong and Taiwan issues not only did not scare China, but instead strengthened China's control capabilities and the voices of Wu Tong Taiwan.In the military field, the free operation and military exercises in the United States in the South China Sea have become more and more attenuated.Not only that, the beauty of the U.S. forces has also accelerated China's maritime military power construction and the southern China naval affairs deployment.

From this, the United States is losing China under the wrong decision to derogate contact policies and crazy raising confrontation policies.The serious consequences of losing China have long been witnessed.If the United States does not want to repeat the same mistakes, it should deeply reflect on its current mistakes to China.It is especially necessary for the United States to engage in the price of the United States.

The author is an associate researcher at the South China Sea Research Institute