China and the United States are caught in the New Cold War?There is no need to declare the Cold War. The Cold War starts with a series of operations.There is no doubt that the actions taken by China and the United States are intensifying confrontation.This article combed the following facts, and the readers are requested to determine whether China and the United States are caught in the New Cold War?

First, the U.S. government pointed his spearhead directly to the Chinese ruling party and became a gathering point for Sino -US ideological confrontation.On October 4, 2018, US Vice President Pence gave a speech on policy to China.In the speech, Pence distinguished the CCP and China, and called the CCP seven times.The speech completely attacked the Chinese ruling party and was known as the New Cold War Declaration.Since then, similar declarations of the New Cold War have followed, and the spearhead has always been aimed at the Chinese ruling party.

On October 30, 2019, US Secretary of State Pompeo said in a speech involved in China that the United States has long cherished friendship with the Chinese people for a long time.At the expense of the values of the United States, the democracy, security and correct judgment of the West, tolerated and encouraged the rise of China.But the Chinese ruling party challenges the United States and the world to win the dominant position in the world.The United States is now aware that the Chinese ruling party is hostile to the values of the United States and the United States.

On March 25, 2020, Pompeo pointed out at a video conference at the Foreign Minister of the Seven Western Group that the Chinese ruling party posed a serious threat to our health and lifestyle.Our seven countries are the cornerstones of common prosperity and security.I urged every country to work hard to protect the United Nations and other international organizations from maliciously affected and the threat of authoritarianism.Our seven countries must promote the common values of freedom, sovereignty, good rule, transparency and accountability, and to promote the United Nations to maintain these principles.

On May 19th, Trump signed a report entitled by the United States' strategic policy entitled by the United States. The report acknowledged that the policy of contact with China in the past few decades has failed.The report said that the United States decided to change its strategy to China and adopt public pressure to curb China's expansion in economics, military, politics and other fields.The report pointed out that the Chinese ruling party advocates a value proposition globally to challenge Americans' basic beliefs of unprepared rights for personal life, freedom and pursuit of happiness.

The leader of the Chinese ruling party described its governance system as a better governance system than developed countries in the West, and called on the Chinese ruling party to prepare for long -term cooperation and conflict between the two competition systems. Capitalism will die.Socialism will win.

On July 16th, U.S. Attorney General William Middot; Barr made a speech pointed out that the Chinese ruling party is launching an economic lightning war in the way of society, trying to replace the leadership of the United States that once a world democratic arsenal factory, and China has made China a world dictatorship of the world's dictatorshipEssenceHe called on Americans to re -evaluate the relationship with China.

Dabo, Director of the Institute of Sino -US Relations of Washington Think Tank Wilson International Scholars Center, believes that this speech by Minister Balta is designed to persuade Americans to be a serious strategic threat.The roots of the main problems in the United States.

Second, the U.S. Congress and the government promoted the issuance of the bill of challenging Chinese values.On November 27, 2019, Trump signed a Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Act, stipulating that the US government conducted annual review of the Hong Kong autonomy, and will also sanction officials who violate Hong Kong autonomy and human rights.The bill proposes some related operational measures.

On January 28, 2020, the US Congress passed the Tibetan policy and support bill.The bill stipulates that intervention Chinese officials will be sanctioned by the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama.The bill also acknowledged the vision of the Tibetan administrative central government established by Tibetans in exile.

On February 18, the US government announced that the five Chinese official media were included in the list of foreign envoys, including: Global Television, Xinhua News Agency, China International Radio, China Daily and People's Daily.On June 23, the United States announced that the four Chinese official media were included in the list of foreign envoys on the United States. At present, nine Chinese official media agencies in the United States have been designated as foreign envoys.The US State Department said these entities are the propaganda agencies of the Chinese ruling party.

On June 17, Trump signed a Uyghur Human Rights Policy Law to threaten human rights to punish Uyghur and other ethnic minorities Muslims.The bill condemned the establishment of a re -education base in Xinjiang in Xinjiang, and urged the US government to consider sanctioning Chinese officials who have implemented human rights infringement.On July 9, the US State Department and the Ministry of Finance announced sanctions on the Supreme Officials of Xinjiang and officials of the Xinjiang Public Security Department in accordance with the Global Magnitzki Human Rights Accountability Law.

On July 14, Trump signed the Hong Kong Autonomous Law and signed an administrative order to terminate Hong Kong's special treatment.The bill will sanction to curb the human rights of Hong Kong, such as officials with freedom of speech and freedom of rally, and banks and financial institutions with business exchanges with these officials, including prohibiting US financial institutions from lending to the sanctioned financial institutions.According to the White House overview, the content of the administrative order signed by Trump, including the cancellation of special treatment for the holder of the SAR passport.

Third, the South China Sea and Taiwan may become the explosion of the new cold war between China and the United States.On July 13, Pompeo issued a statement that it was clearly announced that the United States believed that Beijing's proposition to offshore resource rights in the South China Sea is completely illegal.Territory saying.He also condemned China's use of power -awareness, which is the sovereignty of Southeast Asian countries.

On July 17, the Pacific Fleet announced that the two aircraft carrier battle groups in Reagan and the Nimitz resumed rare double aircraft carrier exercises in the South China Sea.On July 17th, the South China Sea Strategic Situment Performance Platform released by Peking University said that an E-8C monitor of the US Air Force appeared in the South China Sea and once flew to about 134 kilometers from the Guangdong Coast (72 nautical miles).Location.

Under the background of the New Cold War of China and the United States, Taiwan's status in foreign relations in the United States has improved unprecedentedly.On July 9th, the US State Department announced that it approved a case of $ 620 million in military sales cases.The military sale is the seventh military sales of the Trump administration to Taiwan so far.

At this point, the author believes that there is no doubt about the Sino -US New Cold War, and the Sino -US New Cold War has distinctive ideology and military contest characteristics.There is no standard mode for the Cold War, and history will not be simply repeated. Just like people cannot step into the same river twice.

Although this article only sorts out the actions taken by the United States for China, it is absolutely impossible for the Sino -US New Cold War to be the result of the unilateral action of the United States.The New Cold War between China and the United States is the result of a series of ways to act in the ideological and political system of Sino -US ideology and political system.The Sino -US trade war, coronary virus epidemic and Hong Kong National Security Law accelerated the formation of the Sino -US New Cold War.The China -US New Cold War will be long -term and is changing the international pattern of the 21st century.Who is the deer?The Cold War is the testing of the test system for the test system.

(The author is a professor of economics at Shanghai Normal University Business School)