Since March, the coronary virus epidemic has accelerated accelerated in Europe and the United States, and the United States has especially become the hardest hit areas.There is a view that the United States does not respond in this epidemic, not only does it not play its due role in the world, but has become the country with the most powerful impact on the epidemic. Its prestige and strength have been greatly impacted.Leadership will be greatly weakened, and even China may start to gradually make China with good resistance to epidemic resistance, and has begun to provide help to the outside world.

This view is represented by the articles from Campbell and Domoxi published recently published by US diplomatic magazines.This article did not make such an assertion, but only put forward this possibility and some of its conditions.But this view is sought after by some Chinese people on the Internet.Some people even ignore the prerequisites proposed by the original text. They believe that this trend will inevitably occur, and even think that the epidemic will lead to the globalization of the United States.

The author believes that this view is completely misjudgment: the US epidemic response to the problem is a government issue rather than a system problem. The United States' leadership prestige and leadership strength will not be severely weakened due to the epidemic.

I. The United States' response to the problem is government, not institutional issues

The United States has become the country with the worst impact of the epidemic, and the Trump administration's response is indeed an important reason.According to the long reports of the American media, many criticisms of the opposition, interviews with experts and scholars have detailed analysis, including: carelessness and underestimating the infectiousness and harm of the virus;To prevent the epidemic from Europe, Magino's defense line was broken from the rear; he paid too much attention to political battles, accused the epidemic alarm as the political operation of the opposition, and so on.In addition, the people's intentions and inadequate cooperation are also an important factor in the government's response.

However, the US government's failure belongs to the Trump administration's understanding and work errors, and cannot be attributed to the failure of the US system.Professor Fukuyama, a well -known American political scholar, also pointed out this.On the contrary, the strength of the US system lies in its timely error correction ability.

At present, the epidemic has attracted great attention from the United States. The emergency state has been started, and various warfare measures have been quickly in place, including strengthening the detection and isolation of virus infections, cutting off the connection with the external world, and stepping up the production of supplies.All these, coupled with the powerful medical technology strength of the United States, victory over the epidemic is sooner or later.

In contrast, one of the reasons for the early out of control in China (of course not all reasons) mdash; mdash; punishment for eight whistle doctors has clear stability considerations and institutional colors.In China, the author should change the crisis response mode of internal and external pine (United Za posks, March 17, 2020).The results of the investigation and handling of Dr. Li Wenliang's incident, and many practices that violated the principle of rule of law during the resistance of some places, showed that some of their deep systems were ill and changed.

The system is the decisive factor of a country's long -term decline.From this perspective, the leadership of the United States will not be weakened due to the failure of this epidemic, nor will it be located in China.

Second, the United States' leadership prestige will not be greatly damaged due to the epidemic

The global leadership of the United States is mainly reflected in politics, military and economic, and through its own and joint behaviors with allies, as well as strong leadership in international organizations such as the United Nations Security Council, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization.Realization of status.In the social fields including climate change, cultural education, public health, although the United States also plays an important role, its leadership is much weaker than politics, military and economy.A lot of weakness.

In particular, many countries in the international community (including but not limited to developed countries in the West) believe that the global popularity of this crown disease is closely related to the performance of the World Health Organization, especially his director, Tan Desai.They accused the World Health Organization with Tan Detai's slow response to the epidemic, and did not announce that the epidemic was a global public health incident.The United States has a lot of responsibilities.

More than one million people in the international community have requested that Tan Desai stepped down.Not long ago, Trump also had an air fire with Tan Desai and announced the suspension of funding for WHO.The US Senate Leader stated that Tan Desai's duty directly linked to the United States' funding to the WHO.More importantly, some Western countries, including the United States, believe that the issue of WHO and Tan Dezai is that it has been influenced by China, and even associates it with China ’s assistance to WHO.The United States also said that it will investigate the relationship between WHO and Tan Desai and its relationship with China.

These allegations in Western countries will lead to the severe prestige of China in the international community, and offset the adverse effects of the epidemic on the prestige of the United States. It will even relatively enhance the prestige of the United States and the influence of the WHO.

3. The leadership of the United States will not be greatly weakened due to the epidemic

At present, the negative impact of the crown disease on the US economy cannot be accurately evaluated.But as mentioned earlier, this epidemic was a natural disaster, not the financial crisis in 2008, and the Great Depression in 1929, which was brought by its own economic system itself.The United States has a good economic development in recent years, and its own economic foundation and strong scientific and technological strength.Even if the short -term impact on this epidemic has exceeded the previous two crises, its long -term impact on the economy should not be as great as the depression in 1929.

Even the economic crisis brought by the economic system itself and the beginning of the US's own economic crisis did not fundamentally shake the leadership of the United States.Moreover, this epidemic has a great impact on the major economies of the world, including China, and is relatively uniform; and the gap between other major economies, including China, has a greater gap with the economic strength of the United States.Therefore, the crisis of this epidemic will not fundamentally shake the leadership of the United States.

In summary, the kind of loss based on the United States resistance and the effectiveness of China's later resistance. It is believed that this epidemic will lead to a decline in US leadership, and it will even lead to de -USization views, as well as that China will borrow borrowing from the United States.This opportunity to replace the US leadership, or the rising view of the US leadership, is a typical misjudgment.On the contrary, Western countries' dissatisfaction and accountability of China are increasingly rising, and the risk of decoupling between China and the West and deductiveness that may be triggered by this is what China should focus on.

(The author is a professor of economics in China)