Ming Pao News Agency

In the Warring States Period, Mencius talked about national governance with King Liang Hui, and mentioned that he smiled for a hundred steps, intending to remind Liang Hui to face his fault mistakes.Today, U.S. President Trump announced the suspension of funding on the grounds that the WHO had failed, but reversed the truth. In turn, he was criticized for fifty steps in turn, and he was too people.This time, the plague has not been encountered for a century. In the past, many experts faced the test of the disease prevention and control of the disease. They all faced a test of challenges. All parties had anti -disease crossing the river. There must be mistakes in the process. The most important thing was to correct it early.What are the deficiencies and mistakes in response to the WTO epidemic, and need to be reviewed after the epidemic, but the White House has been delayed to warn that the West Master is still in the late February that the epidemic disease is similar to the flu.

Trump calls to stop the world security appropriation

International experts bombarded sight

The United States is the largest gold owner of the WHO. It provides 400 million to 500 million US dollars per year, accounting for about 10 % of the WHO budget.Trump has announced the suspension of WHO's funding, and international authoritative experts condemn the sound. British expert Devi Sridhar pointed out that epidemic diseases are popular, especially we need WHO support, especially developing countries and poor countries.American expert Alexandra Phelan criticized Trump's decision to decide extremely short -term and dangerous.Richard Horton, editor -in -chief of the medical journal, condemned Trown for selling global and destroying unity resistance, describing this as a humanitarian crime.British expert Gavin Yamey also criticized that Trump's vaccination was wrong. The United States responded to this epidemic, which was the worst in the world.

Trump pursues U.S. priority and does not trust international institutions and multilateral cooperation.In the United States, Trump often faces allegations such as shirk responsibility. Earlier, American epidemic prevention experts, Fuqi, bluntly stated that Trump's response has nothing to do with me.Trump's announcement of the suspension of WHO's funding reflects his consistent style and also caters to the political attitude of his fans. It does not rule out the favorable election hoop tickets. However, as long as you look at the response of international authoritative experts, the reason is obvious.

The complexity of this epidemic is not only the virus itself, but also the high politicalization of the epidemic.The epidemic triggered a new round of wrestling in China and the United States, the operation of diplomacy was overwhelmed, and the American epidemic was severe. It was necessary to get out of epidemic prevention supplies. Trump was closed for a while and no longer hung the Chinese virus on the edge of the mouth.For the ethics, alleged WTO's favors of China; in the Chinese world, some people brought cross -strait issues, ideological and political struggles into the epidemic. As a result, WHO was dragged into political muddy water.

Trump was convicted of Fresh Guard, because of the severe loss of duty of WHO. In the early days of the epidemic, he did not obtain and share accurate information in a timely manner. He repeatedly defended China and concealed the danger of virus, which led to the global spread of the epidemic.Trump's speech was actually coming to China, but the current inconvenience of Huafu was inconvenient to fire in China.The lack of WTO needs to review, but Trump's allegations cannot cover up the White House's resistance.

Trump pointed out that the WTO had posted in Twitter in the early days of the epidemic (January 14) that preliminary research did not have clear evidence to affirm the virus person, and to confirm the people of people until 9 days later, delayed the resistance of various countries. However, British expertsWami pointed out that only one pushing information is explained to say that it is the position judgment of the WHO itself.In the report document on January 10, the risk of people risks to people from all over the country.Trump's so -called 9 -day delay was the key to the insufficient preparations for U.S. for the United States. However, in February, everyone saw that the White House's local epidemic preparation was almost zero.Trump was superstitious about China. However, the United States has been closed to China in February. It is only for foreigners and Americans to return from China without strict entry quarantine.Trump's closure reflects extracurricular thinking rather than quarantine, destined to fail.

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If the crime of WTO is favored by China, Trump is also guilty, because Trump praised China to work hard to resist epidemic at the end of January and early February.Trump did not treat the new virus as one thing at the beginning, and it was still saying that the virus was similar to the flu at the end of February; WHO had already suggested that countries can use German virus testing tools, but the United States insisted on developing and developing itself. As a result, it came out.Error, delayed until early March, still lacks detection tools.At the beginning of February, WHD repeatedly mentioned that some countries were not prepared for epidemic prevention.It is precisely because the White House did not reason and warn the WHO that the epidemic was reduced to Ru Sita.

Of course, the incompetence of the United States cannot prove that the WTO is not wrong. Just as the WTO has a mistake, it cannot mean that the White House has not lost their jobs.In the past 10 years, every major epidemic has caused a lot of criticism.In 2009, pig influenza, afterwards, WHO was questioned by Europe and the United States that overdo the reaction and the drafts were announced, causing them to suffer many economic and social losses. In 2014, the Ipora epidemic in Africa was accused of slow response.

In this epidemic, WHO announced on January 23 that the epidemic was an international public health emergency incident (PHEIC). It was only issued a week later. It is worth reviewing afterwards.Experts imagine that some scientific views have been challenged in the past.Some people have questioned that WHO has not encouraged the people to wear masks and oppose the closure.WHO, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a large number of Western experts must be guilty.From a global perspective, WHO treats the epidemic. In addition to assisting in epidemic prevention, there must be a overall view of the overall situation. For example, if medical care in various countries can have sufficient masks, it will not go to the rich society of rich people.State -in -law, like economic sanctions, causing in other regions to explode.After the epidemic, WHO needs to find insufficientness.The British government has recently increased funds to support WHO, which is very different from the White House practice. Most countries around the world will not agree with Trump's approach.