There are many ways to move the customs, but good habits must always take root through vigorous propaganda.

After several months of raging crown disease, it is rare in human history from Wuhan to every corner of Wuhan to the world from Wuhan in China, which has caused unprecedented global catastrophe.A hundred years ago in Spain's large influenza, the three -wave epidemic caused 50 million people to die. However, due to the limitation of traffic, the scope of infection was not so vast, and the huge number of deaths was largely due to the outlook of medicine.

The sinister virus of the coronal virus is a great test for each government. It not only needs to sprint the difficulty of fighting for life and death in terms of prevention and control, but also the severe blow from the whole society such as business, economy and employment must be overcome.

However, from the perspective of the world, the author's delay in the epidemic is not very pessimistic, mainly the movement of the two major powers of China and the United States.One epidemic has eased, and the other has been mobilized nationwide; especially the US national strength is strong. In the past one or two weeks, people have seen the effects brought by powerful officials and civilians.

This plague is not like disaster in the world in the world, and is easily ignored by developed countries.The impact of the crown disease epidemic has a great influence. Without the country, it can be in the case of the world.In the case of full investment in technology and medicine, antidote or vaccine may not be as rare as the poison of the love of the Condor Heroes.

However, even if the virus can be solved, there should be tremendous changes in the world after the epidemic, which can be seen from the three layers of structures from small to large.

In Singapore itself, there are a few points worth thinking about and need to be more active.Singapore's public hygiene relies to a large extent. The people's own hygiene habits or living customs do not keep up with the pace of modernization, including the use of public chopstick spoons, no sneezing, cough, and so on.This is a part that the overall society has entered the process of modernization from the years of everyone in Ganbang, which is overlooked.In the future, how to enhance the consciousness of this aspect through education and publicity to make everyone pay attention to hygiene like Japan, and it is worthy of continuous efforts in publicity.

We cannot ignore the role of wearing masks as a hygienic protection. Many experts have demonstrated the function of wearing masks to prevent infectious diseases.Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and even mainland China have witnessed the prevention of masks.The hot weather in Singapore, how to let the people cultivate a good hygiene habit of wearing a mask out of the mask is a indicator of whether the society can be more elegant in the future.

Many countries have discovered in this epidemic that Singapore's grass -roots medical system construction over the years is quite powerful. For example, 900 clinics across the island can detect fever, more than Beijing.Of course, this is very helpful to fight against epidemics. However, the people's hygiene habits are not good, so at the beginning of the publicity, they emphasized to wash their hands and do not touch their faces.These habits should be the focus of personal hygiene discipline of the whole people, and it is important to prevent infectious diseases in the future.

Washing hands is not a habit of human beings.More than 100 years before Microbiology, more than 100 years before, Hungarian doctor Ignaz Semmelweis found in the Hospital of Vienna that doctors should wash their hands to take birth (many doctors are dissecting their bodies, and then they will be born), but he believes that he believes inHis theory continued to be fiercely criticized by his peers, and finally he was too angry and entered the Crazy House. He was finally tortured and killed at the age of 47.The same time as he advocated to wash his hands is the famous white angel Nantingel, but the assignment she promoted in the Battlefield Hospital did not popularize it. It was not until the 1980s that the U.S. Disease Control Bureau started in a series of food poisoning incidents and started.Promoting hand washing as an important step in avoiding infection.

The history of hand washing in Asians may be that Japan began with the promotion of hand washing campaigns to the nation after World War II after World War II. It is a national cultural change promoted by business.But before that, the soap and shampoo of Hualong Company had been produced as early as the end of the 19th century.

Writing these is to explain that there are many ways to move the customs, but good habits must always be rooted through vigorous propaganda.

The second level of change is that the fate of globalization may be reversed.The suspicion of the two major countries in China and the United States and European countries due to the epidemic can be made up after the epidemic and rebuild the trust relationship. Whether the trend of the withdrawal of international enterprises' production chain and decentralized investment continues will it test the original international integrationOrder, and future Chinese characters.

If global cracks are expanding, how small countries protect themselves, which is related to a country's rethinking of the industrial chain.The risks of bringingism (buying most products with money) are becoming more and more obvious, and the division of labor between globalized countries may not be able to continue to rely on.How to master certain autonomy and dominance in key manufacturing (including agricultural products) and production technology requires more meticulous review.If small and medium -sized countries cannot keep up with the new situation in this regard, it is likely that it will be reduced to the vassal of the Greater Power Group, and it will no longer be around.

The third layer of changes are about the earth.There are many image messages (there are true and false) under the epidemic, which shows that the earth has a rare fresh picture during the two or three months when human activity is still.These phenomena are also happy and sad. After verifying that human activities have reduced the large amount of human activities, the earth becomes healthier, but also confirms that the load of human activities to the earth is indeed very large.

However, we cannot have economic activities, we must not develop, and the population is indeed more and more, but it is also true that the burden on the planet and the increasing damage.I am not an environmentally friendly, but people and the earth are dependent on each other. If there is a way to improve the situation of the earth, I should do it.So I think that if humans can agree, every five or ten years, the global collective stops economic activities for one month, may have two significance: one is to take the opportunity to take a holiday on the earth;It is not the only important thing on the planet, work is not everything about life.Because it is a pre -planned activity, industry and commerce can be arranged early, so it will not cause substantial impact.

This disaster impacted the health, life, economy and social psychology, and also reflects the huge gap between the national system and values.After the end of it, you can blame it without thinking, but you must not think of lessons and teachings.

(The author is [email protected])