The first crown virus epidemic in China has now spread to more than 100 countries and regions in the world, becoming global infectious diseases, which not only threatens the health and life of the entire human beings, but also emphasizes the exchanges of personnel in the global market economy and cross -border.

In the face of a rapidly spreading epidemic, governments first think of isolation and blocking the borders, which of course has an important role in controlling the epidemic.

However, in the context of globalization, global popularity is a common challenge facing the entire international community. Self -rescue measures such as locking countries should not be the factors and excuses that hinder international resistance cooperation.Social distancing can be physical and geographically, not psychological.

Like other common challenges (climate change, multinational crimes, etc.) facing humans, global epidemic diseases can only be comprehensively suppressed by further international cooperation and efforts. The short -sighted approach of neighbors can not only alleviate the country's epidemic conditions, but also may be toxic.The international environment has caused comprehensive tension of international relations and the further development of global economic integration.

As early as the first international health conference in Paris in 1851, people began to pay attention to the establishment of international mechanisms and international cooperation, which is the importance of controlling infectious diseases to spread and promote human health globally.In the last ten years of the 19th century, the international conventions for controlling cholera and plague began to take shape.At the beginning of the 20th century, multinational organizations on public health were successively established.

After World War II, the World Health Organization was established under the framework of the United Nations, and it played an important role in fighting cholera, plague, smallpox and yellow fever.The World Health Organization, the World Health Conference, and a series of related international health regulations have become important system guarantees and platforms for the international community to carry out public health and anti -epidemic cooperation.

Entering the 21st century, the World Health Organization continued to play a global leadership and coordination role in fighting the Shatz epidemic, love, and Ipora virus.Without these international public health cooperation, it is difficult to imagine that human society can achieve such extensive and excellent achievements in confrontation with infectious diseases.

In recent years, the outbreak of trade war and crown disease have made globalization setbacks, and a series of international organizations such as the governance effect of world trade organizations and world health organizations have also been questioned to a certain extent.This is mainly caused by various sovereign countries, especially the government, and is unwilling to transfer sovereignty too much to these international organizations.

Compared with government agencies within a country, international organizations such as the United Nations seriously lack forced force and execution, and mainly rely on the negotiation and consensus of various sovereign countries for global governance.Once severe differences between these countries, the credibility and authority of international organizations must be greatly reduced.

Even so, due to the lack of other global cooperation platforms, these organizations will inevitably continue to play an indispensable role in the fields of capacity building, information sharing, technical transfer, cooperation and communication.Past experience shows that global public health cooperation has played a vital role in effectively controlling global epidemic diseases.

In addition to multilateral cooperation under the framework of international organizations, public health bilateral cooperation between countries is also very needed.However, the cracks brought about by the trade war have been further expanded in the crown disease epidemic. Both of the United States and China have been accepted by the big country that has been raged in the epidemic.Say and attack.Various conspiracy theories are permeated among US -China officials and media.

U.S. President Trump has officially named Coronatte Virus (COVID-19) on the World Health Organization, and still insists on referring to the virus as a Chinese virus until it has recently deteriorated stress.

As one of the highest decision -making agencies in the United States, the National Security Council issued a talk point within the U.S. National Security Council, asking US State Council officials to declare the Chinese government to cover up the facts of the crown disease and prevent the Chinese people from knowing the real situation.Internal proliferation has special responsibilities.

Chinese diplomats also return their teeth with their teeth. Speaker Zhao Lijian said that the crown disease may be brought to Wuhan last October, while his colleague Hua Chunying asked the United States to expel Chinese reporters in the United States on Twitter.The channels of information circulation are the United States, not the Chinese side.The public opinion war between the United States and China entered its peak because of the reporters between the two countries, and there were no signs of significantly fading.The deterioration of the relationship between the two parties has hindered the cooperation between the two countries.

In fact, there should be a lot of places that can cooperate and help each other in terms of resistance in the United States.First of all, no matter where the virus originated, the Chinese government took the lead in controlling the spread of the epidemic through severe isolation and blockade and building square cabin hospitals, which provided important experience and lessons for the restricted epidemic situation in the world to curb the outbreak.China has taken the lead in accumulating a lot of clinical treatment experience, and has achieved results in the development and production of testing reagents, drugs and vaccines.

As a major manufacturing country, China can provide a lot of supply for medical products such as masks, protective clothing, ventilator, and ventilator, and saving countless lives.The United States and other developed countries occupy a high -end position in the field of biomedical research and development, and the cooperation of various countries will promote the development of special effects drugs or vaccines.There are so many biological and pharmaceutical laboratories in all countries in the world. If they strengthen cooperation with each other, they will eventually defeat the disease.

The spread of the current world epidemic has reached an urgent point. After the Seven Western Group (G7) meetings, the leader 20 of the G20 (G20), which represents a wider range, will negotiate and cooperate with the global joint resistance.

As an important member of the 20th National Group, the United States and China should let go of their prejudices and lead the two worlds of developed countries and developing countries to conduct in -depth cooperation and communicate with each other.Virus experience.The crown disease epidemic should be the starting point of a new round of global cooperation, not an end point.

(The author is the assistant director and senior researcher of the East Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore)