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The Coronary Virus epidemic is fierce, and the cases of diagnosis exceed China and Italy, ranking first in the world.As the world's first superpower, how to deal with the epidemic in the next step in the United States is waiting and seeing.

The states in the United States are in a hurry, and the epidemic in New York State has become the top priority, and the patients have doubled every few days.At present, the number of people in the state is nearly ten times more than California, which reports the earliest case in late January.What is the case?

First of all, after the first discovery of the infection of the crown disease in Washington, California followed the diagnostic.After the infection of San Francisco, the health instructions soon issued a hygienic instruction. If the crowd is not allowed to gather, it is recommended to work at home and ask for the elderly and patients to stay at home.

Popularians believe that the early occurrence of epidemic has a huge warning effect on California medical institutions and residents.Californians have reduced the gathering of crowds in advance for several days. Later, the governor promulgated home orders, so that the public could stay at home as much as possible.The number of diagnosis in New York was very small at the time, and the emergency response was much slow.

Second, the current testing of New York State is much more than California, and the number of inspections is three times that of California. New York State may have diagnosed more infections.However, the situation in California is not optimistic. After California will increase testing in the next few days, the confirmed clients will grow rapidly.Perhaps the nightmare of California's epidemic may be the nightmare of California today.

Welldot, a well -known biomedical expert in San Francisco; Green said: The epidemic in New York may be three or four days earlier than us, and there will be more authentic cases in California.Time is very urgent. If measures are not taken, the epidemic is only sooner or later.However, the situation in California is not serious. One of the reasons is that everyone is isolated at home, and the crowd no longer gather.I think it should do this across the country.

Third, from the perspective of the difference in the number of test personnel, it is impossible to fully explain why the number of New York State's diagnosis exceeds California.The latest data show that the number of deaths in New York is four times that of California.Compared with the number of confirmed cases, the death of crown disease infection is often a more reliable sign of virus transmission.New York City is the most densely populated place in the United States, and the crown disease is mainly transmitted through close contact, which is the easiest to spread in the dense population.

After the epidemic appeared in the United States, the New Yorkers still crowded the subway every day to share the high -rise elevators in the office building; the sidewalks in the urban area were often overcrowded, providing conditions for the spread of crown disease.The subway in the San Francisco area is also crowded, but the degree of congestion is far less than New York.In addition, the New York bar usually opens two hours more every night than the California bar. Some experts believe that this may also be the reason why the virus spreads faster.

Fourth, the New York State epidemic has not been concluded whether there are super communications.Studies have found that some large -scale outbreaks of infectious diseases usually have super communications.For example, in the 2003 SARS epidemic caused by crown disease, such a super disseminator appeared in Canada. He infected with another 128 patients.From now on, the dark moment of the American epidemic has arrived.The United States has established the status of international leaders in the past few decades, not only because of its wealth and national strength, but more importantly, the ability of the United States to multilaterally cooperation, the global public logistics security system, and the ability to coordinate international forces to deal with the world crisis.The outbreak of this crown disease is testing the leadership capabilities of the United States, but so far, President Trump's performance is not qualified.

Fortunately, Trump was unable to do it. There was a well -trained governing team behind him, as well as the best medical teams in the world, the best medical resources and the most powerful industrial system and material security system.

The author is the State University of Pennsylvania, the United States

Associate Professor of the School of Communication