Current affairs perspective

The US stock market waterfall fell the previous week, triggering the fuse mechanism twice within a week, and set the largest weekly decline since the financial crisis in 2008.But on March 19, US stocks had a rare closing.

The main reason was that US President Trump delivered a speech saying that he had instructed the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate a chloroquine (Chloroquine), which is used to treat malaria, and whether it can also be used to treat coronary virus. He saidThe virus shows the preliminary results of encouraging, and this news affects the morale of US stocks.

On March 21, Trump strongly recommended the medicine, saying that it was a gift from God, and we prayed that it was effective in coronary virus.The latest news states that the FDA has been urgently authorized and allows chlorine and hydroxyl chlorine for coronary virus treatment.On March 29, the US Department of Health confirmed the authorization of the FDA.

Trump is the Wharton School of Business. Without a medical background, how do he know chlorine?The author sorted out and found that Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high -level expert group of the National Health and Health Commission, had made it clear as early as February 18 that chlorolyphosate is helpful to the treatment of patients.On February 19th, Zhong Nanshan mentioned chlorine at an exclusive interview.On March 18, Zhong Nanshan refers to that the chlorine chlorine is not harmful, but it is more effective for the rotation rate of crown disease.

On February 19th, in the new type of coronary virus infection pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan released by the National Health and Health Commission of China (trial 6th edition), chloropension has been incorporated into the trial drugs of antiviral therapy.

In addition, the official website of Wuhan University People's Hospital reprinted a report on February 19 on February 19th, which was reported on February 19 that the titled hydroxyl chlorine pneumonia had a short -term effect.Associate Professor Ke Zhangye introduced that the hospital's 178 crown patients who have received in December 2019 have conducted clinical analysis and found that none of them were patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.Later, in the consultation of 80 systemic lupus erythematosus patients in the department of the hospital, no one was infected with crown disease.After the discussion of the three departments of the hospital, patients with systemic lupus erythematosus did not be infected with crown disease. Is it related to their long -term use of hydroxyl chloride?

On February 4th, after being approved by the Ethics Committee of the hospital, the research on the treatment of new coronary virus of 20 people with a hydroxyl chloride was performed. As a result 19, 19 has obviously absorbed and improved.Noodles scan (CT) has made progress, but the clinical symptoms of hydroxyl hydroxyl chlorine have improved significantly the next day.

Health Daily is the head of the National Health and Health Commission of China. Du Weiwei, a special reporter of this article, is the head of the Propaganda Department of the People's Hospital of Wuhan University.In other words, this is an authoritative report.

According to French Weekly Mariana, it is true that the famous Chinese infectious expert Zhong Nanshan has shown the positive effect of chlorine chlorine against coronal virus at the end of February, but it really affects Trump's love in chlorine.special.Marya believes that it is a video of the experimental chloride treatment virus at the professor of the University of Marseille Hospital Research Institute.Hea), passed to the United States.

Laurd's experiment attracted the attention of Gregory Rigano, an expert at Stanford University School of Medicine.50 years, very reliable.Laurd is one of the best virus experts in the world, and he has achieved preliminary results through experiments.He also reposted Raolt's research results on the American social network.On March 16, Musk, president of Tellas Automobile, who had 32 million fans on Twitter, expressed support.

In this regard, the author found that Laolt had confirmed to AFP earlier that chlorine is effective for crown diseases. The results of related clinical research have been published in the magazine of biological science trends by Chinese scholars on February 19.Laur said: We already know that chlorine is effective in the in vitro of this coronary virus, and the clinical evaluation of China in China has confirmed this.Laolt said that before they tested, they saw articles in the magazine of biological science trends, mentioning the tests of about 100 patients in about 100 Chinese hospitals, showing the effects of chloro -chlorine anti -crown disease therapeutic effects inspiring people.

The author found this paper, the title is Breakthrough: Chloroquine Phosphat Has Shown Apparent Effical in Treatment of Covid-19 Association PNEUMONIA in Clinical Studies Clinical treatment of coronary 19 related pneumonia has a significant effect).The author is three Chinese scholars including Gao Jianjun, a School of Pharmacy of Qingdao University.In short, Laurd referenced the experience of Chinese scholars before the experiment.His contribution was to improve the drug portfolio and proposed a hydroxyl chloride+Achicterromycin scheme (the current combination plan was pushed by Trump).

In summary, the chlorine (hydroxyl chloride) of the old medicine is an emergency plan that is urgent to obey crown disease. It is very likely that it cannot afford such a high evaluation of the biggest to change the rules of the game (Trump) in the history of medicine.However, there are also many cases of mistakes in the history of medicine. For example, Viagra (Westland) was first developed to treat cardiovascular disease;Wei was originally developed to fight against Ebola virus.

I personally speculate that chlorine (hydroxyl chloride) has a certain effect on patients in China and France, and it will naturally help American patients.It can be judged that this medicine will be used as a starting point for Trump as his own achievements, and constantly emphasizes, rendered, interpreted hellip; hellip; and giving the market dawn of some solutions in the market.EssenceI hope that day, he can see and recognize the contribution of Chinese experience to this.

The author is Nanjing Mediaman