Author: Lu Hanmin

For nearly four months of anti -repair examples, the chain has caused street violence to intensify.Even though Special Last week led the four directors to start a community dialogue, the participants performed very beautifully. However, the (China) National Day still had a fierce conflict in Hong Kong.This foreseeable trend is that street violence will continue to jump, endangering more people's body and even life.

The author opposes all violence.Any violence cannot degrade social problems, and political issues should be solved political.From the perspective of the government (referring to the Hong Kong Government), in the form of a large platform, the community dialogue progress is passive, and it is actually impossible to talk to every citizen.From the basic theory of social movement, the street movement itself is based on the number of citizens. Through some social actions and means, it generally includes parade demonstrations or even so -called physical conflicts.Related appeal.To negotiate effectively, there must be a trusted agent.In other words, a large platform must be rebuilt.As a representative of the anti -repair example, Pan -Minh MPs are responsible for stopping violence and representative negotiations.

Negotiations can solve problems

Some demonstrations felt that street conflicts stopped lsquo; 6.12rsquo; Legislative Council Conference, forcing the formal lsquo; revoking RSquo; repairing clouds.However, from the perspective of the operation, conflicts may be able to stop things, but they are not capable of creating new things.If the goal is to make government policy measures from scratch, it is difficult to make conflicts.Therefore, there are two major reasons for negotiation.

First of all, the remaining four demands are in stuck, and the big reason is that the situation of taking it or leave itly is posted.However, in those demands, even if the government has room for compromise, there is still much room for discussion in the implementation methods and time, so there must be a unit to help bargain.If there is no negotiation, the Beijing Peace Zone Government will adopt the process of pulling down.Without negotiations, it will be futile, and it will be self -realized by frying.One shot and two are not what everyone wants to see.

Second, exercise has been lost.Society will use the time and energy of how to implement the demand, and to discuss a large number of police -civilian conflicts.And street conflicts have caused a large number of injuries and arrests, which is not what everyone wants to see.How to convert the cumulative public opinion into the confidence on the negotiating table is a question worth thinking about.

Rebuilding the big platform to rebuild mutual trust

It is the extreme individualization of this movement without a large platform. It comes from the decrease in mutual trust, which leads to the method of climbing of brothers.If you want to replace the streets with negotiations and successfully fight for it, you must rebuild a large platform and find out the representatives and the government negotiation.As a substitute, the Pan -Minhs, on behalf of the demonstration, is responsible for negotiating the government, and has three reasons.

First of all, the Pan -Civilian members have been on the streets in recent months, and they can only stand on the streets and appeal between police and demonstrators.In fact, the two sides will fight in the end, without help.If they really want to solve the problem, they must be trusted in the demonstrations, re -establish mutual trust and contracts with them, and reorganize the opinions of the masses and negotiation strategies.Furthermore, they are familiar with the government's habits, operations, and bottom lines. They definitely have knowledge and responsibility to explain to the masses how to effectively compromise the government.

Secondly, there is no mutual trust between the masses and the government.When the government faced the five demands at the beginning, it was to promise one. No one guarantees that the violence will be reduced, and the logic of compromise cannot be talked about.Unfortunately, after the government announced the formal withdrawal, street violence did not retreat, which also strengthened their logic in disguise and was harder for the remaining demands.Therefore, if the government is compromised, it is not a purely declaration of position, but to talk to the government with the ability to represent the government, find out the position of the government's compromise, and let the two parties accept it.

In the end, the people should be reluctant.If Panmin is really tight for the future of Hong Kong people, he should stand up wisely to assist the dispute with the dispute, not only the results of the harvest during the election.Anti -repair exercise has evolved into a movement for freedom and democracy.We must admit that the only democratic advance in Hong Kong has been returning to the present to the present is the Super District Council scheme obtained by negotiating with the Central and SAR Government through the leadership of the Pan -people.The negotiations have won 10 more elected albums for the success of Hong Kong people, including five super district conference meetings with five most public opinion representatives and hundreds of thousands of votes.The negotiation is the tool process, and the results are obvious to all.To negotiate, there must be credible agents.

Of course, the SAR government is the first responsible person in this storm.It is the responsibility of how to effectively carry out negotiations with the demonstration party.Of course, some people may suspect that this proposal is to create momentum for elections.In fact, if it is really feasible, it will only be carried out after the election in November, but Hong Kong people will face two months of violent scenes.This is the best era and the worst era.What we can master is the effective way to use from the worst steps.