Author: Yang Du

Multi -personal disease means that there are many souls living in a body. Recently, I seem to think that such examples have become more.

The simplest example.In 1983, Cai Yingwen, Ma Ying -jeou, and South Korea Yu all published commemorative conversations that day.It is strange that the 823 artillery battle was under Chiang Kai -shek. At that time, the Minister of Defense Yu Dawei died in the Golden Gate artillery fire and returned to Taipei. The first thing was not to report to Chiang Kai -shek.Lieutenant General Shi Mud talks about it.He deliberately proved to Shi Mutade with a bullet injury that the Golden Gate Artillery Battle had already started. It was the Communist Army to destroy peace. The United States must help Taiwan, otherwise Asia will be peaceful.

Don't doubt that Yu Dawei's actions are of course Chiang Kai -shek's intention.American Association defense wrote in the memoir: I have almost never returned home in the six weeks since then.The shelling is extremely fierce, and its goal is not only military facilities and outer island supplies.This kind of strange attack is exactly the Chinese people who want the United States to be involved in the military operations that directly fight against the Communist Party.

Some units of Shi Mud's application for the Seventh Fleet reported to him, and the Aviation Unit of Japan's Eleventh Navy's Marine Corps, as well as the Fifth Philippine Aviation Command to provide logistical aircraft support, all used to defend Taiwan's island.He also provided these aircraft and ships to escort the shipbuilding ships of Kinmen, but did not allow the US aircraft and ships to shoot on the mainland.

But Chiang Kai -shek didn't think so. He hoped to lend the incident to lead the United States to participate in the war.If the United States participates in the war, the war will evolve into a war between the United States and the CCP, and he will be able to attack the mainland with the powerful US military's combat power.But this cannot be said clearly, so he asked Yu Dawei to express to the United States that due to the severe guying of the Golden Gate, the island was at the danger of being attacked at any time. Therefore, the United States was invited to use airplanes and bombs to bomb the mainland and suppress the mainland artillery.Firepower.

Shi Made believes that the suppression is reasonable, but he must ask Washington.Unexpectedly, Washington called: No.Don't let them do it.But don't say lsquo; don't rsquo;, as long as you say that if they want to do it, they will not be supported and supported.Because it was what they waited -developing into a major war on the mainland, we have to help them busy.

Washington obviously saw through Chiang Kai -shek's strategy.In his memory, Shi Made said that he lost 15 pounds for a few weeks of the August 23rd, and he could only go home after contacting Washington at midnight every day.And if the U.S. Air Force uses the US Air Force to suppress the artillery of the mainland, it will be another international war.

Re -reading this period of history, who is the commander of Taiwan in 1983 and who is the commemorative person? Is it clear?But on the day of 823, did anyone mention Chiang Kai -shek?Tsai Ing -wen even pointed out that he was a sister -in -law, and he had to dismantle the Chiang Kai -shek Memorial Hall.

While commemorating the eight -two -three, it slandered the reputation and splashed Chiang Kai -shek's bronze statue red paint. Is this a symptom of multiple personality?

Hong Kong is also very weird.The DPP government has been fighting one country, two systems, but Hong Kong is a government under one country and two systems.Huang Zhifeng ran to the United States and said in a public speech that it was not Hong Kong's independence, but to fight for democracy and freedom under one country, two systems.Why?Because of the United States, the United Kingdom can only be based on the structure of the Sino -British joint statement, based on the structure of one country, two systems, to talk about Hong Kong issues.Therefore, Hong Kong's fought today, no matter how much street movement is playing, the request is not Hong Kong's independence, but the democracy (including dual -election) under one country and two systems.What is the DPP support?Support democracy under one country and two systems?Is this a policy that the DPP wants to propose to the CCP?

Obviously, Taiwan is different from Hong Kong. Hong Kong does not have its own constitution. It can only exercise the Special Administrative Region Basic Law under the constitutional structure of the People's Republic of China. It can only propose a democratic selection under this framework.What does it mean to implement the democratic system and compare Taiwan with Hong Kong?Do you want to teach Taiwanese people to learn from Hong Kong and strive for freedom and democracy under one country, two systems?Why do you tell the Republic of China that the Republic of China is different from Hong Kong when he is not holding the national flag of the Republic of China?

Hong Kong today.Tomorrow Taiwan will intimidate the Taiwanese. It is not only nonsense, but also self -dwarfing.Will the DPP's entire thinking of Hong Kong have a little schizophrenia?

Every time in Taiwan is elected, the spirit is a bit abnormal, which is also the normal.But this year is particularly funny.In order to make a sense of death, he treats himself as a special zone every day, the president of this country is the chief executive, and follows the one country, two systems, and the flag.

Taiwan, Taiwan, how many souls do you live in your body?(Author is a writer)