01 Viewpoint

In the past few months, many people have called on the society to stop violence, and some people start from the emotions behind the violence, hoping that the police and demonstrators will not hate each other.But reality is that violence has been upgraded, and the opposition between police and demonstrators is becoming increasingly fierce, and obviously those advice cannot work.The situation has continued to deteriorate, why not make people feel anxious?

As we all know, the reason why the demonstrators gradually embarked on the road of brave and martial arts, and the brave martial arts gradually adopted extreme violence, an important cause is that it is useless.Because one sentence is useless to teach us peaceful marches, not only many demonstrators believe that they need to upgrade, but many of them do not oppose or even recognize violent impact.

In another parallel world, from the beginning of the tears, the society was also controversial. Later, the tear bullets and bags bombs were rained, and even the police officer used real bombs to stop the dangerous incident of demonstrators. The blue silk was full of emotions.The reason is that they believe that since the gentle method fails to dispel demonstrations, they must be continuously upgraded.

The concept of mild method failed to meet the standard

It is not difficult to see that the reason for the upgrading of violence has an surprising similarities that a gentle method failed to achieve the goal.In everyone's moral cognition, it is believed that even if the police fail to disperse the demonstrations, they cannot resort to illegal force. Even if peaceful demonstrations cannot fight for demands, they cannot rationalize violent attacks.However, in reality, yellow silk and blue silk are in the shackles of this concept. They are not reaching the standard on the grounds that the milder method fails to meet the standards.When the force used by the two sides was upgraded, this reason was more convincing, and then they became the basis for them to further strengthen the force.

This explains why Lan Si thought that the behavior of the thug will reverse public opinion, but the polls show that it has not happened in reality; Huang Si thought that the police's force would make Blue silk disgusted, and in reality, it was not the case.On the contrary, because of the above -mentioned concept shackles, the violence upgrade will not only make the position change or the opinions are the same, but also will cause hatred to rise in the form of screws and exacerbate the vicious circle.

Many people know that what can make Harmony be furious is that the government has established an independent investigation committee. According to public opinion investigation, there are reasons for society to believe that many of them will suspend the street and even help the Yongwu faction to abandon Gan Ge.The work of demonstration will be more easy to do.Hong Kong 01 has also advocated the establishment of an independent investigation committee to let the society take off their hearts as soon as possible.The biggest problem at present is what society can do before the government responds to the demands, prevent the brave martial arts and police from continuing to torture each other on the streets and upgrades?

Even if there is no answer, you must break through the concept

If we all agree that, even if the government does not want to respond to demands, we should not let the society continue to fight each other and let Hong Kong people torture each other or even gamble on life.This statement is undoubtedly no persuasive under the sudden listening. Both sides will inevitably ask: How to achieve the goal without force upgrade?Needless to say, no one will have answers.But even so, we cannot deny that following the use of old ideas and continuing to support the upgrade of violence, we can't achieve their own goals, and let the situation have been deteriorating.In this case, even if we do not have the answer, we must break through the shackles of concepts and abandon the myth of the upgrade of force.

Because of human psychology, we will naturally be disgusted with the opinions of the enemy.Therefore, those who can persuade Yongwu to abandon violence are only their peacekeeper; those who can remind the police when they are not overnight, and only the blue silk that has always supported them.

This kind of persuasion in Hong Kong is bound to be considered pedantic or pale, but when we seriously recall how violent violence has become a vicious circle in these three months, we have to admit that it is the conceptual conceptualThe shackles make the society torture each other and can't get out of this dilemma.Anyone who regards Hong Kong as a home and hopes that Hong Kong is good can only know not to do it. In its location, try to stop this tragedy in more different ways.

We also have to reiterate from the government (referred to as the Hong Kong Government) that we must completely reform the governance.According to the current police -civilian relations, society can specifically recommend how to reform the police complaints and supervision mechanisms; and to eliminate deep -seated structural contradictions that make the society resentment, the authorities should establish a deep -level reform committee to comprehensively examine the accumulation of economic and political aspects.In particular, we must abandon the freedom of freedom to launch the economic model for many years, and assume the responsibility of social governance.Citizens cast sweat and mind on the streets, and applied to supervise government work.