Author: Wu Tongxiong

The clause that Hong Kong can be reasonably questioned by protesting the amendment of the fugitive regulations has evolved from the deserves to the reflection that cannot be discussed rationally, and then becomes a street violence that has been delayed for more than four months. I wonder if it has exceeded the world's historical record?Finally, a valuable life almost lost in this unnecessary street conflict.

In this time, we issued two positive and negative questions: First, is the victim's blame, a thug from the edge of society?2. The victim is an innocent idealist?Even the deceived?Especially the simple young people who were misleading by the violent occupation of Taiwan's solar flowers?

In the incident film, a group of policemen who had fell to the ground were clearly seen in the event film.In many countries and regions, it has been regarded as a crime.

Taiwan's most respected United States and Japan will also determine that police are legitimate defense of the current criminals.The United States has killed a lot of mobs without such danger.Although this high school student participated in street violence, his motivation and psychology still yet to be explored. Is there any compassion?There are even other persons who director this tragedy?

Removal and anti -service trade -In the end, the principal claimed to have a similar trajectory and a substantial connection in the incident of the Legislative Yuan of the Sunflower Occupation of the Legislative Yuan.But it was gradually twisted into an ideological struggle.The idealistic demands that should be at first have become a means of political struggle under the operation and resource losses of specific political groups.

The people should have absolute freedom of speech, but their behavior must respect their own relationships and must not harm others illegally.The parade's petition is the basic power of the people, but the occupation of the Legislative Yuan has surpassed the legal world and formed the crime of occupation and injury. Later, it was upgraded to try to occupy the Executive Yuan and violate more legal crimes.

At that time, the public power chose to concession, but it made a revolutionary victory -like illusion, which attracted more young people to go. Including my students, I told me that their mood was not known at all, but I was going to participate in one.The terrible carnival can sing, drink, and camping in the Legislative Yuan, but no public affairs forum has been held.Several people who violated violence and crimes were all overwhelmed due to political improper power and overwhelmed judicial justice without having to bear any legal responsibilities.

The sun flower claims to imitate Wall Street, but the latter is just a slogan. In fact, it does not occupy any public and private buildings. It is just sleeping in the park. After the police persuaded, all 80 people were arrested and imprisoned.

Taiwan has ordinary elections that Hong Kong does not have, and the spiritual leaders of the Sunflower Incident. They can clearly be elected legislators by legitimate elections, but they must advocate illegal violence.There are all kinds of ideal youth, anger youth, and deceived youth hellip; in the Sunflower incident, they finally benefited only one youth: the first work in life, was paid by the ruling party as the deputy secretary -general of the party!

The street incident in Hong Kong was not over yet, but someone was shot.The bloody Hong Kong youth should see the truth of the sun flowers.