Author: He Self -efforts

In the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China's economic development has achieved great achievements. It has maintained a healthy and stable trend for a long time, and has formed a clear comparison with the West, which has been hit by the frequent economic crisis.

The economic crisis refers to the violent fluctuation of the national economy caused by the total amount of social supply and the total demand and the imbalance of the structure, which is manifested as a large number of commodities.Chaos.In the face of the economic crisis, early capitalism usually restored to balance by the spontaneous regulation of the market. After the Great Depression of 1929-1933, Western countries began to strengthen government intervention.In the 1970s, in order to get rid of the stagnation crisis, Western countries have re -emphasized that they rely on market spontaneous restoration balance and weaken national intervention, which has caused frequent economic crisis. The recent severe crisis is the global financial crisis that broke out in 2008. Its shadow has not been eliminated.Recently, European and American countries have opened a new round of macro -control cycle with interest rate cuts and width as the content, trying to overcome increasingly obvious economic recessions.However, the main cause of this recession is institutional and structural issues. For example, income distribution bipolarization, severe de -industrialization, high economic virtualization, low -skilled unemployment population expands, government debt platforms, etc. To overcome economic recession, we must be right.The basic economic system and macro -control system of Western countries have undergone profound changes.It can be said that the root cause of the reason why Western countries have repeatedly suffered from economic recession and the economic crisis is that the measures for anti -crisis did not touch the fundamental contradiction caused by the economic crisis.

The economic crisis like Western in my country has not occurred since its reform and opening up, which is fundamentally due to the unique institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

First, the basic economic system of socialism provides a solid system for avoiding the economic crisis.Historical experience shows that capitalist private ownership is the root cause of the institutional economic crisis.Under the conditions of capitalist private ownership, private monopoly capitals often seek private interest in harming social interests, long -term interests, and national interests, which has continuously intensified the contradiction between socialization of production and means of production and means of production, which leads to economic crisis.The socialist market economy implemented in my country is based on the basic economic system of public ownership and a variety of ownership economies. Interests, current interests and long -term interests have achieved organic unity, and the fundamental system guarantees the long -term health and stable operation of my country's economy.

Second, the advantages of the concentrated power of the socialist system can help prevent the occurrence of economic crises.The market economy has the advantages of independent operations, accelerate the flow of factors, and stimulates the vitality of the market subject through equal competition, but there are also weaknesses such as spontaneous, blindness, speculation, short -term, lag, and easy to lead to monopoly behaviors. These weaknesses will trigger crisis.The basic socialist system can maintain the balance and structural balance of macroeconomics through state -owned enterprises, economic planning, macro policies, industrial policies, micro -policy, reform policies, social policies, etc., to achieve social harmony, and strongly overcome the weakness of the market economy.The combination of the advantages of the basic socialist system with the advantages of the market economy can not only fully release the vitality of the market, but also ensure the coordinated and stable operation of the national economy, thereby effectively avoiding the occurrence of crisis.

Third, the party's centralized and unified leadership of economic work is conducive to consensus and consensus consensus, which is conducive to mobilizing all parties, forming a joint force, and a strong ability to prevent and cope with various major risks and crises.Adhering to the party's centralized and unified leadership in economic work is the fundamental political logic of my country's reform and opening up and socialist modernization. With public ownership as the main body, the common development of various ownership economies, realizing the common development and wealth of all peoples is my country's reform, opening up, and common prosperity. The fundamental economic logic of socialist modernization, political logic and economic logic complement each other, interact, jointly promote the great achievements of my country's economic development, and achieve long -term healthy and stable development.(The author is a professor at the School of Economics of Nankai University)