Author: Liang Meiyi

In July, the Hong Kong people had been marched twice in the first week.After the July 1 parade, a large number of demonstrators rushed into the Legislative Council building to destroy, which had a profound impact on Hong Kong.

I have seen the deployment of the police to march at the Seven or Seven Kowloon District. Seeing that the police set up a large water horse outside the high -speed rail station at the end of the parade in the morning, and sent a large number of police officers to stay outside the station. Compared with the 71st day, the police were at the Legislative Council on the Legislative Council.The glass inside the building was encircled, and the demonstrators who looked at the outside of the glass broke the glass and more comprehensively evacuated the Legislative Council at night, and let a large number of demonstrators enter it.

Many demonstrators were very angry about the government's delay in responding to the revision of the revisions of the fugitive regulations and investigating the police independently to investigate the police.They destroyed various facilities and items in the Legislative Council Building, and the extent of destruction has made the Legislative Council likely to be unable to hold a meeting in the building before October.The mainland (mainland) often uses smashed burning to describe the thugs. The demonstrators still owed the burning that day, but for Hong Kong, which has always been the concept of peace (peace, rationality, and non -violence).The destruction of the person was enough to reverse public opinion.

It is believed that it is surprising that the power of the power is that after the destruction incident of the League building, the society has not criticized the demonstrators, and they even understand the ideas behind the inappropriate violence of the demonstrator.A considerable part of the citizens' tolerance of the so -called violent behavior actually changed Mdash after this violence impact; their bottom lines moved backwards.

This is almost a desperate for those who are in power.For Hong Kong people who have always hated violence and have always been at a dogmatic dogmaking, they understand the anger of demonstrators who ignore the government to the government at a certain extent.Future Welfare.In this battle, the government lost thoroughly.

Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue and officials who handled the fugitive regulations did not step down. One day the government refused to independently investigate the police's approach to handle demonstrators. The collective struggle that blossomed all over the place would not stop in the next year or two.How long can this government still extend?

The author is a senior media worker