After the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the public library continues to be removed from books.According to media reports, the latest collections include the award -winning novels of contemporary writer Edison Chen.

According to the Hong Kong Ming Daily, the public library has re -launched some of the collections that have been removed from the shelves.History hypothesis novel Jianfeng two years: New China has history.

The book is based on the results of the Civil War of the KMT and the Communist Party of China.The book is also with the other two prosperous times of Edison Zhong: China, 2013 and naked, also known as the "Chinese Trilogy", and the literary circles are evaluated as both literary value, historical and social significance.

When the Hong Kong Cultural Services Department responded to the release of the book, it was found that it was found that there was a museum suspected of violations or disadvantages of Guoan, and it would be re -launched if there was no problem.According to the Public Library's "Book Selection purpose and Guidelines", the selection factors include the literary value of the novel.

After the Hong Kong National Security Law took effect in 2020, the Hong Kong Public Library has successively hid off the shelves.In April last year, the Hong Kong Audit Office issued a report and suggested that the public library strengthened the collection of the inspection hall to maintain national security.