Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, said that Hong Kong must think more deeply how to implement the position given by the country and integrate into a new pattern of China's national development.

Chen Maobo published a blog on Sunday (August 11) stating that the Third Plenary Session held in Beijing last month passed the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on further comprehensive deepening reform and promoting Chinese -style modernization.The strategic positioning part should focus on the "three centers and one highland", use the advantages of the "one country, two systems" system, consolidate and enhance the status of Hong Kong's international finance, shipping, and trade centers, and support Hong Kong to build international high -end talent agglomerations.

Chen Maobo said that as an international financial center, Hong Kong must give full play to the role of offshore RMB business hub; in the development of the shipping center, professional services related to smart shipping, green shipping and shipping are the focus; tradeIn terms of the development of the center, Hong Kong intends to be constructed as the "multinational supply chain management center". The one -stop supporting mainland enterprises' overseas production capacity and supply chain layout will derive more new trade service needs to bring Hong Kong to bring in Hong Kong to bring in Hong Kong to bring in Hong Kong to bringCome to greater opportunities.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao led the delegation of the industry and commerce and professional community at the end of last month to visit Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.Ma Shiheng, a member of the chief executive consultant group of the group, said on Sunday (August 11) on the Shangtai program that geopolitics are complicated today. In the past, Hong Kong has been in Europe and the United States in business cooperation.Business opportunities must be changed to strengthen cooperation with the Asianan country, otherwise they will be "dry" (slowly drying in a place without the sun).

Ma Shiheng mentioned that Asianan is Hong Kong's second largest trading partner. Under the "Belt and Road" strategy, China has multiple development projects in Laos, Indonesia and other places.

He said that although some Asianan countries are not as good as Hong Kong and the economy is still in its infancy, as the overall income increases and the middle class expands, the demand for product has also increased, promoting the development of financial and insurance industries.He also pointed out that many Hong Kong companies have seen quasi -business opportunities entering the Asianima market. Official visits will have a "blessing" effect and help both parties cooperate.