Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that young people are important assets in Hong Kong. They call on young people in Hong Kong to seize the opportunities for national development and will be in their hands in the future.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the first Youth Development Summit Forum in Hong Kong was held on Saturday (August 10). This event was hosted by the Civil Affairs and Youth Affairs Bureau, from mainland China, 2000 people in Malaysia, Laos and other places attended the meeting.

Li Jiachao said at the meeting that people from all over the world went to Hong Kong to participate in the forum, showing the importance of youth development.He said that Hong Kong is a good place to release young people's potential. The Hong Kong government attaches importance to the development of youth and hopes to cultivate young people with an international perspective.

Li Jiachao said that Hong Kong has a diversified and comprehensive education system, including five universities ranked 100 worldwide. There are many topology and occupations and professional education.read.

Li Jiachao also said that the Hong Kong Government launched various talent plans at the end of 2022. In the past 19 months, more than 340,000 applications have been received, and 210,000 applications have been approved.He said that with the continuous support of national policies, Hong Kong's development potential is unlimited, and young people are encouraged to use opportunities to integrate development.

In response to the end of the Paris Olympic Games, Li Jiachao said that Hong Kong people are proud of Hong Kong athletes. The team spirit shown by athletes is the characteristics of Hong Kong spirit.He emphasized that Hong Kong people should pursue their goals faster, higher, and stronger, and Hong Kong is a good place for achieving goals.

Chen Guoji, director of the Hong Kong Department of Administration, pointed out that the development of youth is a priority in the future, and the prosperity of Hong Kong is closely related to the development of youth.

He said that he hopes that Hong Kong youths will understand Chinese history and culture, and the Hong Kong government will strengthen preparation of patriotic education.In terms of houses, he said that the Hong Kong Government will increase the supply of houses and launch a youth dormitory plan, which will also provide multiple channels for young people to contribute to the community.