Demonstrations and street riots occur in many places in the UK. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government reminds Hong Kong people in the UK or planning to go to the UK to pay attention to personal safety.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, a spokesman for the Hong Kong Government said on Tuesday (August 6) that Hong Kong's yellow out -of -the -art warning from the United Kingdom is still effective.Pay attention to the situation, increase their vigilance, pay attention to safety, avoid places where the crowd gather, and pay attention to the latest situation announced in the local area.

The Hong Kong Security Bureau said that the additional information about the British pages has been updated, and continues to pay close attentionThe webpage releases the latest local situation.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Chinese embassy and consulate in the UK issued an announcement on Wednesday (August 7) ​​to remind Chinese citizens in English, including Chinese tourists to effectively strengthen safety prevention.

Announcement said that recently, riots and social security incidents have occurred many times in the UK.The Chinese embassies in the UK once again reminded that Chinese citizens, including Chinese tourists, pay close attention to local public security conditions, avoid going to the place where the incident occurred, and timely pay attention to the security reminder issued by the embassy and consulate continuously to effectively strengthen security prevention.In the event of an emergency, it is necessary to call the police for help and contact the Chinese embassy in the UK in a timely manner.

After a knife attack in Nangang, northwestern England, it caused large -scale violence riots.The reason for the riots was that some people spread out of facts on the Internet, saying that the murderer who had a knife blood washing the Children's Dance Square of Nangang and the death of the three children was Muslim immigrants.The refugee shelter and the Muslim in many places in the UK have become the target of thugs, as well as police officers and burn of police cars.