Hong Kong Cathay Pacific continued to achieve profitability in the first half of this year, and announced that it plans to invest more than HK $ 100 billion (S $ 17 billion) in various fields such as fleets, consolidating Hong Kong's status as an international aviation hub.

Cathay Pacific released the 2024 mid -term performance report on Wednesday (August 7).According to the financial report, in the first half of this year, Cathay Pacific achieved revenue of 49.604 billion Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 13.8%year -on -year; the realization of shareholders should account for Hong Kong dollars of HK $ 3.613 billion, a year -on -year decrease of 15.3%.

He Yili, chairman of Cathay Pacific Group, said in the financial report that Cathay Pacific achieved strong performance in the first half of 2024. It is a common role of strong tourism demand and a stable manifestation of freight business performance.The Group's passenger flights have been restored to 80%of the first epidemic in the second quarter. As the market increases more passenger flights, the company's yield has also shifted to normal as expected.

The financial report shows that after removing special projects, Cathay Pacific airlines and subsidiaries recorded a profit of Hong Kong dollars in the first half of 2024.EssenceAccording to the financial report, the decline in net profit is mainly due to the normalization of air ticket prices.

According to the surging news report, Lin Shaobo, chief executive of Cathay Pacific Group, responded at the performance meeting that the current ticket price of Cathay Pacific short -distance flight has completely returned to normal, but the process of long -distance flight fares in the United States is normalized.Relatively slow, mainly because there are not many flights from Hong Kong to the United States, and the flights that fly directly to the United States in the mainland have not yet fully recovered. The demand for mainland passengers from Hong Kong to the United States is very large, resulting in shortage of flight supply.

Lin Shaobo said that Cathay Pacific is trying to increase flights from Hong Kong to the United States, including New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other places.He pointed out that by October this year, the flight from Cathay Pacific to the East will be completely restored to normal. The flights that will be in the West will be fully recovered in April next year.change".

He Yili also announced at the performance meeting that Cathay Group plans to invest in more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars in the fields of fleets, cabin products, VIP rooms, digital upgrades and sustainable development, and cooperate with its active active.The strategy of development further enhances the customer experience, and cooperates with the completion of the airport three -runway system to consolidate Hong Kong's position as an international aviation hub.

For whether this large investment will affect Cathay Pacific's subsequent performance development, He Yili said that investment is necessary and is very important for the future development of the group.He said that the group will also adhere to a responsible attitude to ensure certain elasticity in terms of investment. If there is an accident or sudden, they will "turn around" in time and will not cause the group to be in trouble.

Cathay Pacific also announced on Wednesday that 30 airliners A330-900 models are ordered, and they have the right to add 30 additional purchase. These passenger planes are expected to be delivered and put into service one after another in 2028.It is reported that Cathay Pacific will receive more than 100 new -generation aircraft in the future and have the right to purchase more than 80 aircraft.