Hong Kong media reports said that a university in Hong Kong is investigating in mainland China to go to Hong Kong to study undergraduate majors.Earlier, the Hong Kong police reported that two mainland women were arrested for being enrolled in the University of Hong Kong with a master's degree.

The online media "Hong Kong 01" Monday (July 15) quoted sources reported that universities, one of the eight major education associations in Hong Kong, are investigating a number of mainland students suspectingUndergraduate courses involve at least 20 people. Some people are currently studying in the first grade, and some have obtained enrollment qualifications in September 2024.

Sources said that some students involved in the English level test or the grades of the admission test of foreign universities, but the actual English level is poor, and the test results submitted are inconsistent and they are questioned.The false overseas degree made by intermediaries, the English level test and the entrance examination of foreign universities are also invited to take the test.

If mainland Chinese students want to enter the undergraduate course in Hong Kong, in addition to participating in the mainland college entrance examination, they can also export to domestic sales. Like overseas students in other countries, they use overseas high schools, IELTS or IELTS (IELTS) or IELTS (IELTS) or IELTS (IELTS) or IELTS (IELTS) or IELTTOEFL test scores, etc., apply for reports to Hong Kong.

According to reports, some students involved in the case of holding a letter of admission and recommendation on the Canadian high school, as well as the Ontario Student Transcript of Ontario, Canada.

In an interview with an intermediary for studying abroad, compared with the use of fake education to Hong Kong to apply for a master's degree in Hong Kong, the operational space for undergraduate operations with false academic qualifications is more.Send transcript.The intermediary also said that it is not difficult to ask someone to take the test. Vietnam and Thailand are popular places for asking people on behalf of people, and they are not strictly inspected to check their certificates.

It is reported that many intermediaries will publicize the Canadian high school education at the study education exhibition of mainland China.Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

A spokesperson for the University of Hong Kong involved said that in order to ensure personal privacy and do not comment on individual cases.The university attaches great importance to the academic integrity of applicants for admission and rejects all academic fraud.The school is now investigating the incident in accordance with the established procedures. If someone is confirmed to submit false documents, it will immediately cancel the admission qualifications of the applicant and transfer it to law enforcement agencies.

Earlier, two mainland women were arrested for entering and exiting Hong Kong for being enrolled in the Hong Kong University of Hong Kong for suspected fake education.

The School of Economics and Management of the University of Hong Kong revealed that a few master students applied for admission with a fake academic degree.The incident made new progress on July 4, and the Hong Kong police confirmed that two mainland women involved were arrested.