The staff of the University of Hong Kong on Friday (July 12) was reportedly reported to receive an email of the whistle. The whistleblower attached part of the content of the investigation report of the principal Zhang Xiang and revealed thatThe unscrupulous part of the RMB scholarship, 17 students who have not been in the University of Hong Kong have not attended the University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong University apologized to the donor.

Comprehensive Hong Kong 01 and Ming Daily reported that Hong Kong University has received the Zhuhai Company Nasda, which is listed in Shenzhen, and issued a scholarship through the China Red Cross Foundation.RMB, the same, S $ 1.85 million).

The first phase of the amount of 8.5 million yuan was distributed to 49 undergraduates from mainland China.In June 2022, the Chinese Red Cross asked Hong Kong University of Hong Kong to obtain a list of 49 students.The principal's room notified the Chinese Red Cross in August 2023 that the donations were all issued to students.

The whistle -blower email appeared in September 2023, and complained to the school committee's complaints of Zhang Xiang, including suspected scholarship list for fraud.Hong Kong University acknowledged to the Chinese Red Cross in October of the same year that 17 of the 49 students in the list did not study at Hong Kong University, so they did not receive scholarships, and 11 other students had received other scholarships.Only 21 people.

According to the investigation report, the Hong Kong University acknowledged the list of scholarships and apologized to the donor.Zhang Xiang said that he did not know that there was a problem with the student list until the whistle was exposed, and emphasized that he did not know the details of the use of scholarships, and he could not assume that he finally decided on the matter.

After Zhang Xiang's whistlebone was proposed, the school committee launched an investigation. The final conclusion was that the evidence was not enough to establish the charges of the principal, but the investigation report has not been made public.

Hong Kong 01 quoted sources reported by the school committee report that the chapters issued by the whistleblower are the same as the original.

Zhang Xiang was also involved in the storm of public personnel disputes in Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong government has set up a research team to follow up.